A huge army of your enemy is only two trails away from your stronghold and it is pretty obvious that he will take a conquer-order to crush your little castle - who hasn‘t been in that situation before?
You would like to choose a recruit-order to fortify your stronghold, but whatever you do, the attack-order of your enemy will come first. So, what possibilities do you have to rescue your stronghold?
Surely, if you own more influence-token than your enemy, you can take a mobilize-action to gather all availible forces in that strongold. That might be a pretty good choice, but it isn‘t possible in every case: Maybe there aren‘t enough forces around that stronghold, maybe your enemy has the lead in influence and will come first if he chooses „mobilize“ to attack your castle.
But maybe there is another option...
The idea:
How many units do you need to defend your castle from the first wave of attackers? The answer is: Exactly as many as there are empty areas adjacent (!) to your stronghold that your enemy could use to get to your stronghold.
The idea is: Take a strategize-order to move exactly one weak unit into every free area adjacant to your stronghold your enemy could travel through. Your enemy will have to waste a complete turn just to kill that squishy unit in order to clear the way to your stronghold. In the best case, he will lose a complete year until he can really attack your castle (or maybe he even decides to attack another target instead of wasting a complete turn). In addition, maybe you will get tactic cards (supremacy bonus) to prepare for the big fight.
The advantages:
In every case, you can use your strategize-order to go on proceeding your game aside from the stronghold while your enemy wastes a complete (!) turn. You can move your units and heroes in other areas on the board, maybe you gain some tactic cards. In the meantime, your enemy will do nothing more than killing a single squishy unit – this will be worth the sacrifice of that unit.
In the best case, your opponent cannot attack any more in this year (he might have spent his other attack-order before or maybe he lost his conquer-order that he would need to defeat the stronghold). Thus you have gained some time to play your recruit to fortify that stronghold.
Going into detail:
A smart enemy won‘t take the bait: He will not send his whole army to the squishy way-blocking unit as his army would be caught in that area after battle until next spring (as it will be an activated area).
So he will split up some units from his army to clean the way. But as he won‘t be willing to let raw luck decide if the way gets clear, he will use some more units than necessary to defeat that one unit. (If he doesn‘t, a bad card-draw could foil his plans for a whole year). By the way: If you have some tactic-cards like „summon lightning“, this will be the time to play them.
You can bet that your enemy will lose more units for the big fight (ay they are caught in the activated area) than you have spend to block the way. After that, you can still play a mobilize/conquer order to fortify your stronghold with the circumjacent units - or even better to reconquer and re-block the way to your stronghold. (This will let your enemy go nuts.)
In any case: The main-goal of this tactic is to waste a complete enemies turn while you can go on proceeding with unit- and heroe-movements (and maybe you gain some tactic cards). And if game-time is narrow enough, maybe your enemy will decide to attack another target than you in order not to waste his order for smashing one single unit.
Last thoughts:
In theory, you could even use an allied neutral unit to block the way if availible own units are rare. This allied unit won‘t be allied any more after that, but it would do its job as long as your enemy has chosen a conquer-order (and not a mobilize-order): Yes, it might be that your enemy recruits that neutral unit, but as it will be onto an activated area, this old friend and new enemy won‘t attack you in the same year – enough time to fortify your stronghold. And maybe your enemy will waste some valuable influence token just to get this single unit... (and just to get it out of his way)...
Nevertheless, this strategy has two major disadvantages aside from losing the neutral unit:
At first, it is risky: If your enemy has chosen a mobilize-order instead of a conquer-order, it might be that he will clear the road via diplomacy to attack afterwards your stronghold with his supremacy-bonus-attack in the same turn.
Next, it is a waste of potential: You won‘t be able to play tactic cards like „summon lightning“ in the fight between your enemy and a neutral unit.
(Remember: Even if you don‘t have that card, you could get it because of your supremacy bonus. Moreover, in some cases you don‘t need to own that card at all: It might be enough to bluff. Let your enemies suppose that you have this card – this might stop them from attacking the single unit or it might increase the number of units he sends to this insignificant battle just to go sure that he controls the way to your stronghold.)
What do you think about these tactics? Any thoughts?