Question about Death Trooper Security Detail for Skirmish

By Metallian, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi all!

After years of (almost) fanatically playing X-Wing, I decided to also start Imperial Assault and have bought the Core Set and Tyrants of Lothal. I have started by playing Skirmish. I'm not sure I understand Death Trooper "Security Detail" well. It says that "after deployment, a friendly LEADER gains 1 block". So, let us say, I choose to have 4 gray Death Trooper Deployment Cards. Can they affect 4 Leaders for example? Does the block add up, so I can give a Leader multiple blocks? Only one Leader is affected, regardless of the number of Death Troopers? Does this block stay for the whole game, every time the LEADER throws defence dice, or is it only for the first turn?

Sorry for the many questions, but I'm confused.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Metallian
Forgot to mention it is about Skirmish

I think if you deploy 4 regular Death Troopers, then you can distribute 4 block tokens among any of your LEADERS, but note that each figure can only have at most 2 power tokens. So if you only had 1 LEADER on the board, you could assign them all 4 but then they'd have to discard 2 of them.

A power token is used once during an attack and then removed. You choose when you want to use it, it's not like when they're Focused. And each figure can only use 1 power token during an attack.

Got it! Thanks a lot for your answers!