KeyForge Print and play

By L0STHER0, in KeyForge

I have been mildly interested in this game for a while. I am a long time reformed magic the gathering Addict, had played since beta. I have played several collectible card games and LCG's.

My questions is how do I print this to at least an ok.

Any suggestions would be great

I have never done a print and play before. I do have card sleeves so that is not an issue.

Well you could just print these on normal paper and then just place them ontop of a magic card and sleeve them. No need to print them on good card stock if you just want to try the game.

Or you can print on stick sheets and cut them out and stick them on magic cards. There are printers that can print out decks of cards for you from images but that's likely to cost you more than the cost of a Keyfoge deck.

can i put into microsoft word so i can put four cards on a sheet?

For a card game like keyforge, you typically want to put 9 cards to a standard letter-sized sheet of paper. Then cut them out for play. (friend and I are testing a different game and we have done this A LOT)

At 36 cards a deck, you would just need 4 sheets per deck - if you want the archon card, probably just compile those onto 1 sheet.

Also note that with PDFs, you can opt to put multiple "pages" per sheet to get a similar effect.
