Hey Genesys rules-wonks!
Seeking your input...
If you were to create a Unique Rule for a human Archetype that you wanted to be equal in power to the other Unique Rules for the default Archetypes (Aristocrat - Forceful Personality, Average Human - Ready for Anything, Intellectual - Brilliant!, and Laborer - Tough as Nails) in the core, AND you wanted that Unique Rule to give the Archetype a bonus of 1 to Melee and Ranged Defense for some amount of time, how long would you have that bonus last?
I want it to follow the model of "Spend a Story Point as a X action, and do Y."
And so while I looked immediately to the Elf unique rule from Terrinoth - Nimble. It's just not the right thing. It's base Defense, for one, and it's constant, so it's just not a good analogue...
1 turn didn't seem like enough, so I'm thinking 2 or 3?