“Any Ship On My Lot” X-Wing Tournament

By JBFancourt, in X-Wing Organized Play

Registration: $12 USD via PayPal to jnlboring@gmail.com for cost of prizes and shipping.

Signup here: https://www.tabletop.to/any-ship-on-my-lot-xwing-tournament

Format: Standard Extended

Venue: Tabletop Simulator "X-wing Unified 2.0" on Steam

When: Registration ends May 1, 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT. Your payment and list MUST be submitted before this time. The first pairings will follow soon after.

Rounds: You will have 48 hours from the time that pairings are announced to complete your match. Number of rounds and cut TBD based on number of players as per FFG Tournament Guidelines.

Score Reporting: BOTH players must confirm the score on tabletop.to following your game.

Prizes: For every 2 players, a $20 ship expansion will be added to the prize pool. So you will have a 50/50 chance of winning a ship of your choice. Additionally, there will be a few 1e ships TBA that will be be Last Place Prizes.

Questions: DM @JBFancourt here or on Discord, or email jnlboring@gmail.com.

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/txMMdru

Disclaimer: All prizes will be purchased from Atomic Comics in Muncie, IN, USA, to support my local X-Wing store. If you are not in the Continental USA, you may have to pay an additional fee for shipping to claim your prize.

Edited by JBFancourt

Oops, new to Discord hosting. I was posting invites that expired after a day... 🙄 . Non expiring invite below: https://discord.gg/txMMdru