I've always loved the concussion rifle in Dark Forces, but most of the examples in the rules so far don't quite match. We've been toying with the idea of designing an attachment that makes a blaster rifle behave a little like that. Doing some reading from canon sources on the Imperial Heavy Repeater and concussion rifles in general, it seems it's a modification of the tabana gas process, so it seemed plausible; likely a modified XCiter module. I'd like people's inputs on what the stats for this might look like.
So, a few goals: The closest example I've found to what I'm looking for is the MR-90. So looking for a more compact, lower power version of that weapon (reduced damage, range, encumbrance), but still retain the concussive mode. Another goal is it should have stun mode capabilities (knocking someone silly), as many of the knockdown weapons do. The purpose would be to have a weapon that could function in a backup mode as something like an energy-based scattergun or concussion grenade launcher, then require a reload (like the MR-90 or Imperial Heavy Repeater's special function). The thought is it fires a highly focused, volatile blaster bolt that ruptures on contact, causing a concussive blast. Focused like this, it could also cause heavy pierce or breach effects. In a stun mode, it's less focused, causing instead things like Blast. Either mode, the energy behind it would probably give it the knockdown function.
So, some desires (some of these may be mods to the attachment):
In all modes:
- Adds knockdown
- Possibly adds pierce
- Possibly -1 damage
- Adds 1-2 enc
- Takes 1-2 HP
- May add +1 cumbersome
- Should not preclude the use of barrel attachments
Adds concussive fire mode:
- Adds concussive
- May add breach
- May add blast
One quick example is: 2 HP, adds 1 enc. to weapon, adds qualities Knockdown, pierce +1, damage -1. Also adds secondary fire mode that adds concussive +1 and breach +1. If in stun mode, it instead adds concussive +1 and blast +4. Mods: damage +1, pierce +1
Another thought is to reduce it to 1HP, then perhaps remove the mods or something.
My personal goal is leaning more towards the concussive/knockdown/pierce effects over damage. I also want this to be something you could add to a rifle fairly easily, so I'd lean more towards sacrificing things to reduce the HPs needed.
My character has a DDC-MR6 Modular Rifle, so one thought is to build an attachment for it. Another thought would be it's a permanent modification to the modular rifle, to basically make a Modular Rifle version of the MR-90 Proton Rifle. This could potentially also be an underslung energy-based concussive weapon, like an under barrel grenade launcher or scattergun. It requires the limited-ammo quality, but the ammo is just a standard power cell like reloading after using the MR-90's special feature.
Anyway, what're people's thoughts on this sort of thing?