Jank Tank Open - First Order Five - Round 4 added

By wurms, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Update: Round 4 Match added

Other Matches: Round 1 Match / Round 2 Match / Round 3 Match

In case you are unfamiliar with this format this is how it goes:

1) Single Elimination Tournament ala March Madness

2) You will be given two randomly generated lists and have to choose one to fly throughout the tournament. For the first list, you get to choose your faction, while the second list is completely random.

3) You are allowed to remove and/or add one upgrade without going over 200pts.

Here are my two lists I was given:

I chose first order cuz i just wanted to fly TIE/ba and crossed my fingers I get one of the named ones. But First Order doesnt have too many ships, and pretty much all can be playable.

SFs can use any missile to good success with double arcs, Tie FOs, even the named ones are at least decent in this format, all the TIE/ba will be good in this format as will Silencers. The danger zone is the upsilons. Lots of open slots to fill and make it a points sink.

List #1 (my faction of choice):

“Scorch” (33)
Juke (7)

“Midnight” (42)

First Order Provocateur (45)

TN-3465 (28)
Targeting Synchronizer (6)

Lieutenant LeHuse (39)
Total: 200

Initial thoughts: I really liked the list, I was hoping for one of kylo, holo, or vonreg, but I still ended up with an initiatve 5 and 6. There are only two upgrades, so jank is weak with this one, especially since I get to remove one of my two upgrades. Very promising.

List #2: Republic

“Axe” (32)
Homing Missiles (5)
Munitions Failsafe (1)

Naboo Handmaiden (42)
Trajectory Simulator (6)
C1-10P (7)
Proton Torpedoes (13)

Blue Squadron Protector (27)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Static Discharge Vanes (6)

Bravo Flight Officer (33)
Trajectory Simulator (6)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Total: 197

Initial thoughts: The jank is strong with this one. I love both naboos having proton torps, but I hate that they both have traj simulator, a guaranteed 6pts wasted since I can remove only one and thats not even touching the other two ships or Chopper droid which is a waste on a fast naboo foghter that gets free evades. Ugh. 19pts wasted and that is only half the list. The other ships are two V19s with missiles. One with static discharge vanes. Another 6pts wasted.

I didnt even bother with how I can change this. List #1 is the clear winner. If I had to make a change to list #2 id drop traj sim on a naboo for a passive sensors.

List #1 is my choice, so now I need to remove and add 1 upgrade. This list is 200pts exactly, so I have either 7pts removing juke, or 6pts removing targeting synch. If Im not going to equip a missile, target synch is the obvious choice as juke could have its moments, as TN would give scorch mods turning a die to a crit while he jukes.

So 6pts, what to do? Options I considered was outmaneuver on lehuse or midnight or the tie/ba. Tie/ba and scorch I figure are the top priority targets for the enemy as they are the 3 red dice ships and the tie/ba can be fully modded every round. The tie/ba was already my most expensive ship, so I didnt want to bloat him passed 50pts. Lehuse was probably going to be using the rear arc more than front arc, and midnight doesnt get that many good shots per game, and especially not out of arc. So this killed outmaneuver options for me.

Adv optics on Lehuse. This is one I actually playtested a few quick games on fly casual app. Without the gunner title, I want my initiative 5 to be more of a threat and adv optics does that. I found that my list had plenty of locks floating around with the tie/ba, midnight, scorch when he has to disengage and turn, and even TN can lock and block. With lehuse ability to use friendly locks, i felt adv optics was not optimal and juke is still just sitting out there bloating scorch to 40pts.

I really wanted that gunner title on LeHuse for a third red die to really take advantage of his ability but the points just werent there.

However, I did have enough for concussion missiles. That gives me a third die that I want. With missles now possible in the list, target synch is now back in play. TN can lock for LeHuse for some full modded concussions and Scorch is back to his cheap efficient 3 die attacker. And best of all scorch is my cheapest ship in the list, and if people want to really remove that 3 die threat, all the better.

My List:

“Scorch” (33)

“Midnight” (42)

First Order Provocateur (45)

TN-3465 (28)
Targeting Synchronizer (6)

Lieutenant LeHuse (39)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199

Next Up: Round 1 Match

Edited by wurms

My List:

“Scorch” (33), “Midnight” (42), First Order Provocateur (45), TN-3465 (28) w/ Targeting Synchronizer (6), Lieutenant LeHuse (39) w/ Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199

Match #1 vs:

Ved Foslo (44)
Passive Sensors (3)

Planetary Sentinel (31)
Fifth Brother (11)
Cluster Mines (8)
Stealth Device (6)

“Night Beast” (25)
Afterburners (6)

Rho Squadron Pilot (35)
Swarm Tactics (3)
Passive Sensors (3)
Plasma Torpedoes (9)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Static Discharge Vanes (6)
Xg-1 Assault Configuration (0)
Autoblasters (3)
Total: 199

Pre-match thoughts : The scariest ship is that gunboat for sure. It can slam and be hard to nail down, and with plasmas and concussion missiles, it has a lot of long range ordnance. Its juicy also at 65pts. But my real eye is on that 4hp 56pt striker. Killing him means my opponent has to take out at least two of my ships.

Setup : His striker in one corner, night beast, ved in middle left-ish and gunboat in the other corner. I setup TN and Lehuse in the middle right-ish, and my other three ships opposite gunboat. I want to threaten that gunboat so it runs and doesnt get torpedoes off, and while it runs away, I will be banking right into Ved and Night Beast.

The rocks are mostly on the side edges, and one giant one right in the middle.

Round 1:

Planning: I want combat to take place around that giant rock, so his ships fly around the rock, and LeHuse can concussion missiles with the rear arc while they have to dodge, sloop, etc around that rock. I need to go fast, cause I want TN locking quick for LeHuse, and hopefully use a rock for cover while doing so.

Activation: TN and Lehuse rush out with 5 straights. I want TN to get into lock range ASAP for LeHuse before striker can get into combat. Scorch and Tie/ba also go 5 straights, while Midnight slow rolls 2 straight. My game plan for midnight is just come into the action later on, when ships are damaged and scattered and cant easily focus him down.

The opponent goes straight with Night beast and Ved, gun boat turns away from my ships, but can easily bank into TN and Lehuse next round. Striker goes slow and will not be in combat range next round, so now is my time to strike.

Round 2 :

Planning: TN is going in hot and locking for Lehuse missiles. My Tie/ba is in great position to just 5 straight and full mod on someone. Scorch has a rock blocking his 3 bank (darn), so I have to turn left instead toward the giant middle rock, I should get shots on someone, but it wont be the gunboat who I wanted. The striker is still out a ways and I dont have to worry about him this round, which is nice.

Activation: TN goes 5 straight again. I want to desperately lock the gunboat, but then the gunboat can just slam away, so I instead lock Ved Foslo since Im 99.9% sure he and Nightbeast are banking into TN and LeHuse. The gunboat banks in and lands range one of TN. Night Beast banks in as well. My Tie/ba 5 straights and has range 1 on gunboat, but I dont want to split fire so I lock Ved and focus. Ved banks into range 1 of TN, but locks the Tie/Ba. I guess that strain is a juicy target, but Ved is teh only one going to be shooting at my Ba so good for me that he is splitting fire. Scorch turns in, and I probably went too fast with a 3, and my arc is gonna miss Ved, probably should have went with a 2 hard turn. LeHuse goes slow and just 2 straight. This keeps me range 2 of TN for target synch, and gives me cover from the big rock from Night Beast and the Striker (if he was in range). Midnight still slow with a 2 bank and out of range.

Combat: Lehuse is up and uses TNs lock (target sycnch) to fire concussion missile at Ved, then spends TNs lock with his ability to reroll a die and gets hit hit crit. Ved dodges one and shields are down. Good start. Ved fires at my ba and ends with hit crit. My tie/ba gets evade focus and spends focus for no damage. Scorch fires at a focus evade night beast and does nothing. Rho and Night beast fire at TN and drop him to 1 hull remaining. My tie/ba fire at Ved and spends his lock for hit hit hit. Ved rolls nattie evades. TN fires range 1 of Ved and gets hit crit blank. Ved rolls double evades. Lucky Ved.

Round 3 :

Planning: I feel like with scorch having to 2 turn right to get shots on any of his guys (other than the striker who is on the other side of the giant rock, a block is coming. So I decide to bank left, use the rock for cover and spend a turn or two bring scorch around the rock, while using his lock for LeHuse, so that time is not completely wasted. I want TN out of there ASAP, with only 1 hull left, and just be a lock for LeHuse as long as possible. Midnight is coming into the action and injured Ved is coming his way.

Activation: The striker banks fast and lands in front of the rock, I think he is gonna roll left, for some shots on my guys, but instead rolls right. Inside Im jumping for joy, cause Scorch is gonna land right in front of him. Meanwhile, TN 3 banks away and locks Ved and should be safe from any fire. His gun boat 2 turns left for that block attempt on scorch if he went right, and night beast setups to get a range 1 from that block. My tie/ba hard 1s, and has the gun boat range 1, but Im in range 1 night beast arc, so I roll right and focus, now with only night beast in arc but safe from any fire. Ved banks away (not what I thought he would do). Scorch 2 banks left and lands in the face of the striker, HELLO THERE! I try to fly over everyone with a 5 straight with Lehuse to take advantage of my rear arc, but that Ved bank, blocked my 5 straight. The good news is, Lehuse doesnt fit and has to go back and be range 0 of the gunboat. This means Lehuse is range 1 of Ved. Midnight just goes 2 straight and locks Ved through a rock.

Combat: Midnight gets hit hit, but Ved once again gets two evades. LeHuse range 1 uses TNs lock for hit hit crit. Ved gets two evades again, but eats the crit for console fire. Ved has no shot.Scorch rolls three eyeballs and a crit and I spend my focus. The striker only has 5th bro force and rolls eyeball blank. Spends the force for hit hit crit. Crit is direct hit. 56pt dead striker. Night beast and Rho fire at Midnight and get two dmg for half points. My Tie/ba gets hit crit into night beast (structural dmg). Great round for me.

Round 4 :

Planning: The obvious move with midnight is the hard 1 towards Ved. A 3 hard from Ved can block the hard 1, and the gunboat just has to 1 or 2 straight to get that shot. So I dial in a 2 sloop left with midnight to fly over the gunboat and if Ved does that 3 turn, it gives midnight a shot while avoiding any return fire. Scorch is now turning around the rock so he will become my locker for LeHuse to use later. My tie/ba is just gonna hard 1 again and that puts him behind Night beast and the gunboat, man I love these Tie/ba's, when they are ignored is just lock + focus while doing hard 1s - ALL DAY!

Activation: TN hard 1s and locks Ved again for LeHuse to use. Night beast banks and afterburns toward scorch (did not see that coming) maybe to get away from the Tie/ba on his ****. The gunboat goes for the 2 straight and Ved does the 3 hard to try for the midnight block. My Tie/ba lands range 1 of gunboat and full mods-up. Scorch turns away from Nightbeast and is safe from shots, so he just locks Nightbeast either for himself or maybe a rear concussion missile from Lehuse later on. Lehuse keeps chasing Ved, and midnight sloops over the gunboat.

Combat: Midnight whiffs his attack on Ved. Lehuse gets hit hit hit (man this guy punches hard with those friendly locks) and Ved takes 2 dmg. Ved has no shot, but takes 1dmg from console fire and explodes. The TIE/ba tears into the gunboat for 4 dmg.

Round 5 : The gunboat is hurt, and his choice are to turn left and go for the kill on TN who is coming around towards him, but that means he is also turning into Lehuse and possibly Midnight, or turn right to safety and slam away. He is behind on points by alot, but its only round 5 of 12, so it depends on how patient he is to setup those torpedoes. I dial in my moves as if he is coming after TN. But I send my tie/ba after night beast.

Activation: TN turns towards Gunboat and gets a lock on him, barely inside range 3. The gunboat turns left and slams and focuses. Looks like autoblaster may be out of range for TN. Nightbeast continues chasing Scorch who just turns and evades. My Tie/ba turns and locks Nightbeast and focuses. Lehuse 1 banks and bumps the gunboat, Midnight banks and has a range 1.

Combat: Midnight fires and whiffs. Lehuse no shot. Scorch no shot. Gunboat checks range but TN is range 3. Nightbeast fires at scorch at does nothing. Tie/ba gets 1 dmg on Nightbeast. TN fires and does nothing. Whole lotta nothing this round.

Round 6 :

Planning: Everything is setup now. My tie/ba is gonna get range 1 on night beast. Scorch is gonna be getting arc on gunboat, lehuse just has to 1 straight bank and butt shot the gunboat, and midnight just needs to turn and fire.

Activation: TN 3 banks in front of the gunboat. This blocks the gunboats 2 hard and 2 bank. The gunboat tries a 2 bank and TN blocks him on a rock. Nightbeast turns toward scorch. MY Tie/ba hard 1s and locks + focus onto nightbeast. Scorch 3 straights into range 2 of gunboat. Lehuse 1 banks. And midnight hard1 left into range 1 of gunboat.

Combat: Midnight gets hit eye blank. Gunboat ahs no tokens so he spends his lock and focus for hit hit hit and gun boat is left with 1 hull. Lehuse barely misses arc on gunboat. Scorch fires and finishes off gunboat. Tie/ba unloads into night beast and finishes him off.

Final : WIN! 200-35 (half points on TN and Midnight)

Thoughts : I like this squad. That TIE/ba hits ridiculous hard. LeHuse is just full modded all game long. I only got one concussion missile off this game cause a lot of his shots were range 1, but I like his potential in future matches. Midnight didnt do a whole lot, like always, but I may have an ace in future matchups he can scare off or something. Scorch had the shot of the game with the one-shot kill on the striker. That was huge cause striker was gonna be dropping clustermines for scorch the following round (plus whatever his attack woulda done) coulda been a dead scorch.

Fun game!

Edited by wurms

My List:

“Scorch” (33), “Midnight” (42), First Order Provocateur (45), TN-3465 (28) w/ Targeting Synchronizer (6), Lieutenant LeHuse (39) w/ Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199

Match #2 vs

IG-88C (64)
Intimidation (3)
Proximity Mines (6)
Delayed Fuses (1)

Captain Jostero (42)

Overseer Yushyn (26)

Skull Squadron Pilot (47)
Plasma Torpedoes (9)
Total: 198

Pre-match thoughts : I feel pretty good about the matchup. I think if I can trade any 1.5 ships for the brobot I will be looking good with 3.5 vs his 3 and only 1 has linked actions. I have to be careful triggering TNs ability cause that will proc Jostero. I get 1st player, so now I have 3 ships moving before the brobot, which isnt too bad. Scorch moving first is probably better because he is always stressed and predictable, so ensuring focus tokens is good. I dont mind blocking and losing an agility with TN or scorch if it means I get good shots on a tokenless brobot in return.

Setup : I place TN middle-ish. He places Overseer middle as well. My Tie/ba goes and and scorch in my right corner, and he places brobot opposite of scorch, and the fang across the map in the other corner to flank. I place Lehuse and Midnight right corner as well. If his borbot wants to joust my squad, no problem. If his bro wants to run, then Bring on jostero and overseer.

Round 1

Planning: With that fang opposite corner, I can get a round or two of combat before it is relevant if I go fast. I need to know what the brobot is doing first cause he can go fast and boost and get round 1 early shot if Im not careful.

Activation: TN banks right toward the brobot, this opens up a 5 straight for TN to lock the brobot, or a 3 bank left to lock jostero/overseer. Jostero banks toward brobot, and brobot 1 hards in. Apparently he wants jostero to elad the assault and brobot fall in behind. The rest of my squad takes 2 and 3 straights. I want combat next round, but still keep my distance.

Combat: I think overseer has a range 3 obstructed on TN that does nothing.

Round 2

Planning: My plan was the brobot, but looks like Jostero is leading the charge, so all guns on him. Brobot with a hard 1 left (his only move for combat this round, means he is range 3 of my guys, not so bad. This also means jostero is not going slow. He needs to move far enough ahead with a 2/3bank to make room for the brobot.

Activation: TN 5 straights and locks Jostero. Overseer hard turns for a shot on TN - expected. Jostero banks to joust my squad. Tie/ba and scorch just 2 straight and focus. Lehuse 1 straights and focuses, midnight slow rolls and is barely out of jostero range 3.

Combat: Lehuse uses TNs lock thanks to target synchronizer to fire consussion missiles and take jostero's shield. Scorch (whiff)/BA/and TN fire on jostero to remove another 2 hp. His squad fires everything at TN and removes him off the board (bye bye TN 😞 ).

Round 3

Planning: Was hoping for Jostero to be 1 rounded but scorch whiffing, midnight barely out of range, and jostero with above avg def rolls did not help. I have a feeling jsotero could kturn here, to get shots on an obvious 2-turning/banking scorch and if the tie/ba goes 2 speed or higher as well. This opens up brobot to intimidation bump my ships also. The fang will be in combat range next round, so I want to threaten him. LeHuse is headed into the mess-to-be but he has his rear arc. I can turn left and risk a bump from Overseer, or try and 5 straight over the brobot.

Activation: Overseer hard turns toward my squad - expected. My tie/ba just 1 banks left. This blocks the kturn and gets a range 1 on jostero if he went 1 straight/bank. Jostero tries the kturn and bumps into my tie/ba. Scorch 2-banks and focuses. The brobot goes straight and bumps into jostero, setting up a sweet range 1 from scorch who is on is left side. Sadly LeHuse barely does not fit the 5 straight over the borbot and reverse all the way to bump my Tie/ba also, but giving LeHuse and range 1 shot on Jostero. Midnight 2 banks toward the fang fighter, who I want to lock with midnight to hopefully push crits into. I really wanted Lehuse to make the 5 straight to have his own mods. Now he sits range 1 infront of a tokenless jostero with 2 hull, so I take midnights lock and put it on Jostero for LeHuse to use (hey that rhymes).

Combat: Midnight does nothing, range 3 onto fang. LeHuse range 1 on Jostero gets hit blank blank. I spend Midnights lock and roll the blanks into blanks, ugh, jostero is gonna live. The Tie/ba and Scorch have range 1s on the borbot and take its shields and crit him with wounded pilot. Everyone shoots at LeHuse and he loses his shields.

Round 4

Planning: Brobot is has to sloop here for shots. Scorch is aimed at his butt where proxies will most likely be dropped, so I dial in a 2-turn away toward the board edge. This will let scorch lock the brobot either for Lehuse to use, or once scorch sloops the next round he can use it also. The fang is stressed and that means a 2 straight for midnight, or a 2 bank toward LeHuse and my Tie/ba. I can block him with my Tie/ba and take his mods away. That way Lehuse can concetrate on the brobot.

Activation: Brobot dropped the proxy: Overseer's kturn doesnt make, and he bumps into Lehuse. My Tie/ba 3 turns left and locks the fang (For future rounds) and boosts forward to block any 2 straight or bank. Jostero tries a 2 bank to block midnight, but overseer's failed move, means jostero cant make it and stays put. Scorch turns away from the proxy and locks brobot. Fang tries a 2 bank and gets blocked by the tie/ba. Brobot sloops. Lehuse 3 turns left, in towards middle of the mat. I focus and turn his arc backwards. Midnight hard 1s right and has range 1 on overseer and jostero, and he locks jostero.

Combat: Midnight takes out jostero. Lehuse fires at brbot and gets a dmg through. Brobot and fang fire naked at Lehuse and take him to 1 hull remaining, but a crit was loose stabilizer forcing me to go straight next turn. Scorch and BA have no shots this turn.

Round 5

Planning: Lehuse on 1 hull needs to go straight, I plan on Lehuse dying this round, so my plan is to lock and get a concussion missile off. Scorch and my Ba are slooping and midnight is not in a good place, but I think a sloop fits if the brobot just goes straight to clear stress and get shots on LeHuse.

Activation: Overseer turns toward scorch. BA sloops behind the fang. Scorch sloops to point toward middle of map. Fang banks toward mdinight. Brobot straights like I expected. Lehuse straights and locks the brobot. Midnight goes for sloop AND barely doesnt fit again. Would gave midnight a range 1 shot on brobot. These close calls are killin me. Midnight is now bumped into intimidation brobot and fang has range 1 shot on him. UGH.

Combat: Midnight gets a damage on Overseer. Lehuse fires concussion missile, and rerolls, does 1 dmg. Brobot with 2 hull left. Scorch is barely out of range of brobot so he fires on overseer with naked dice and does nothing. Fang fires range 1 on midnight and whiffs with eyeball, blank,blank,blank. WHEW! Brobot fires on Lehuse and whiffs with three blanks! BA is still depleted but gets two hits on fang, but fang dodges. Overseer does nothing to scorch.

Round 6

Planning: Lehuse still lives, but I didn't fix loose stabilizer, expecting the brobot not to whiff last turn, and now Lehuse must go straight, and a rock is in his future. 50/50 he lives. Brobot doesnt have many good options. A proxy mine is to his right, and a rock in front of him. I figure he sticks with LeHuse. The fang is definately going for scorch, but my tie/ba is on his tail and keeping pressure. The tie/ba is in perfect spot to just keep locking + focus until fang is dead. My positioning is pretty good.

Activation: Overseer sloops to get behind Scorch. My Tie/Ba 2 banks and focuses (lock still on fang). Scorch 2 banks and focuses. The fang 2 banks range 1 into scorch. Brobot 1 banks away from everyone still chasing LeHuse, who flies over a rock and dies 😞 Midnight banks right toward Overseer but bumps into fang.

Combat: Midnight takes a potshot at Overseer and does nada. Scorch is up. He has a range 2 on brobot. He still has a lock too, and gets hit hit crit. Brobot cant do it and is dead. Fang fires range 1 at scorch and whiffs again, hit and three blanks. My tie/ba fires range 2 at fang and does two damage as the fang rolls eye blank blank. Overseer fires and gets 1 hit and scorch dodges. Successful round for me and just about locks the game up.

Round 7

Planning: The fang has nowhere good to go. His only way to get a shot is to kturn/talon. My tie/ba still has a lock on him too. Just do the obvious moves for me and attack.

Activation: Overseer flies over scorch for a block. My tie/ba 1 banks right toward fang and focuses. Scorch 2-turns and is blocked by Overseer. The fang hard 1's right, then rolls backward to be range 1 of both scorch and the Tie/ba to kick in Concordia ability. Midnight hard 1's and is also blocked by overseer.

Combat: Midnight no shot. Fang no shot. Scorch is up. No mods and rolls FOUR HITS! The Fang rolls his greens and gets 1 evade. Concordia changes another to evade, but its not enough to live. Fang is dead.

FINAL: Opponent calls game. 200-79 win!

Thoughts: First engagement didnt go how I wanted. Trading TN for 3 damage on jostero. But having TN take the blunt of the damage up front was probably best as he is my weakest and cheapest ship. The dice were definitely on my side the second half of the match. Two range 1 whiffs by my opponent and a couple natties for me. Lehuse lived longer than she probably should have as well, and with concussion missiles able to be pooped out the rear, you cant exactly let him run and live cause he will make you pay for not killing him. This squad is pretty fun to fly. LeHuse is growing on me and may have to give him a run in an actual tourney. The generic TIE/Ba has been doing work in both games. Once he gets behind the opponent he can just 1 hard and 1 bank all day long taking lock and focus for full mod 3 dice shots.

Edited by wurms

My List:

“Scorch” (33), “Midnight” (42), First Order Provocateur (45), TN-3465 (28) w/ Targeting Synchronizer (6), Lieutenant LeHuse (39) w/ Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199

Match #3 vs

Braylen Stramm (52)
Marksmanship (1)
Jamming Beam (0)
Delayed Fuses (1)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)

Norra Wexley (55)
Squad Leader (12)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Munitions Failsafe (1)

Jan Ors (41)
Jyn Erso (2)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (22)
Total: 197

Pre-match thoughts : Oh boy! Braylen with S-Foils and Jan! Not only that, but then you have to deal with Norra. Ugh. This matchup can really painful. All guns on braylen. No way I can let 4 dice fully modded just go willy nilly. Need to end him asap for any chance at this game.

Setup : Im first player, so Lehuse moves before Norra and Jan. Anyways, the rocks are kind of spread out. My opponent placed them in corners, I placed a triangle in the middle. The Z goes middle-right. I place TN opposite of Z threatening a joust, the tie/ba far left, and scorch far right. Braylen places right corner, opposite scorch. Lehuse goes behind TN. Norra and Jan join Braylen, jan near edge. Midnight joins tie/ba far left away from everyone. I like him coming into combat after things get scrambled up.

Round 1

Planning: Braylen MUST DIE. That is all that is on my mind.

Activation: Z turns left toward braylen. TN 5 straights. Tie/ba 3 straights and banks right boost, this setups a 5 straight next round. Scorch 2 straights. Braylen 1 straights and bumps into Z, slowing his movement. Lehuse 5 straights with TN. Midnight 3 straights and rolls right.

Combat: None.

Round 2

Planning: Braylen has to straight here. A corner rock prevents his right turns except a red 1 hard and that is very unlikely, so I expect and 2 or 3 straight. The Z is out of position and not relevant. Norra will be in combat range with a bank inward, and jan is still skirting edge. So I only have to deal with two attacks most likely. That is the good news. Bad news is, those two attacks are 7 dice that can hurt. I want to be cautious with scorch right now, With some aggressive straight maneuvers, the enemy could get 3 shots onto scorch if I just 2 bank towards them. With that Z turning away, and now, not even a blocker, and that rock blocking braylen from turning inwards, my tie/ba is FREEEEEEEE to do whatever the **** he wants.

Activation: Z turns behind Norra. TN 2 banks and focuses, tie/ba 5 straights, locks braylen, and boosts banks right. Scorch hard 1s and rolls backward toward my edge, this keeps him safe this round. Braylen 3 straights and does braylen things (focus and fail roll). LeHuse 2 banks and locks braylen (this is where concussion missiles shine versus Gunner title, keeping Braylen to 1 agility). Norra banks inward and focus + evade (perceptive copilot + jyn ersa crew). Not too worried as all my shots are going into braylen. Midnight hard 1s toward action and rolls to line up shots next round.

Combat: Midnight no shot. LeHuse fires concussion missiles and takes 2 shields from braylen. Norra gets jan'd up for 4 red dice and takes 2 shields from Lehuse. Jan no shot. Scorch no shot. Braylen fires at Lehuse and does another 2dmg (Lehuse down to 2 hull remaining). Tie/ba on Braylen takes another 2. TN fires at braylen and does nothing. Z no shot.

Round 3

Planning: Braylen has 4 hull left, he MUST DIE this round. I figure I will trade Lehuse for Braylen. Scorch can turn in and get some good range 2 shots on Jan or Norra, or a kill shot on braylen. Norra should just be in for a bump fest and be tokenless with TN and Lehuse moving before her and she is right in front of them.

Activation: Z bumps into the back of Norra. TN 3 banks in front braylen to block the 1 bank towards Lehuse but Im worried he didnt travel far enough. I contemplate a roll left forward but instead just focus, since I should have Jan or even Norra in arc. Tie/ba simply 1 banks and is range 1 of the Z, so he locks the Z (in case Braylen is already dead by the time he shoots, and takes a focus.) Scorch 2 turns left and focuses. Braylen 3 straights for scorch. Im surprised cause Lehuse still lives. Lehuse 2 straights and lands behind TN, and range 1 on Braylen. He still has his lock from previous round and takes an evade to try and live. Norra 1 banks and bumps into LeHuse. Jan banks in toward scorch. Midnight 2 straights and locks braylen.

Combat: Midnight has a range 3 on braylen and fires, HIT BLANK. I check range on TN and its range 1 on braylen so midnight changes the blank to a CRIT for a HIT CRIT. Braylen rolls double blanks and cant mod them. Braylen down to 2 hull. Lehuse takes 1 off him. Jan at scorch whiffs. Norra gets jan'd up and goes for Lehuse, 5 dice range 1 naked shot and get HIT CRIT. Lehuse rolls 1 evade and I spend the evade to live. Braylen fires at scorch and I dont spend the focus and take 2 dmg. Scorch fires at Braylen and finishes him off. Tie/ba range 1 on Norra also takes a shield. TN takes a shield from Jan. Z whiffs his shot on Lehuse.

Round 4

Planning: Got braylen off the board early. I feel good. Now to work on Norra/Jan. Lehuse can fly over Norra and the Z with a 5 straight and use concussion out the rear. Norra will be coming for Midnight/Scorch in front arc. Should be another bumpfest with Norra unless to only wants to shoot with the back arc and be flying away from my squad.

Activation: Z tries to turn toward tie/ba to block, but doesnt fit passed Norra and bumps...again. TN hard turns in front of Norra and toward Jan. Tie/ba tries a 2 bank over Norra but bumps. Scorch 2 banks toward jan focuses. Lehuse 5 straights over Norra and the Z and evades and turns his arc backwards Norra bumps into TN. Midnight 2 straights into range 1 of Norra and locks her.

Combat: Midnight range 1 onto Norra and gets hit crit blank. I want to TN for another crit but norra still has shields, so I figure its not worth it at this point and leave it. Norra cant add an evade with her ability since midnight has her locked and takes 2 shields. Lehuse fires range 1 back arc at Norra and gets hit, eyeball, blank. He spends Midnights lock (since he fired and Norra has no tokens anyways) and still ends up with hit, focus, blank. Norra auto evades with ability. Norra goes for the range 1 rear arc on Lehuse and Jans it up to 4 naked dice). He rolls avg for 2 hits. Lehuse gets 1 evade and spends the evade token for no damage (man, the evade action on these 2 agility ships is NOICE!). Jan whiffs again, range 1 on scorch. Scorch fires at Norra and takes a dmg. Tie/ba whiffs his attack. TN takes a shield from Jan. Z whiffs his attack. Lots of whiffs.

Round 5

Planning: My ships are pretty much out of position, so this looks to be a setup round for me. Scorch is stressed and facing the wrong way. Lehuse is fly the wrong way but thankfully has concussion missiles. Midnight wrong way. TN and Tie/ba may get shots this round. Right now I am worried about Norra's rear arc with Jan. She will be free and getting mods this turn. Im going for Jan though since if I take her out, Norra's rear arc is a lot less threatening.

Activation: Z finally moves forward and focuses. TN 3 banks over Jan Ors to go for the block. The tie/ba 3 hards over Norra, takes a deplete for a lock on jan ors and takes a focus. Scorch 3 straights over the Z and locks Norra. Lehuse 1 banks and locks Norra. Norra banks and has tie/ba range 1 in rear arc and focus+evade action. Midnight 3 banks away from Norra and rolls out of Zs arc.

Combat: Midnight no shot. Lehuse fires concussion missiles at Norra and takes 2 more off her. Jan fires range 1 on Tie/ba and gets 2 hits. Tie/ba has to spend his focus to take no damage. Norra fires range 1 Jan'd up on Tie/ba and takes 2 shields off him. Scorch not shot. Tie/ba has a depleted range 1 on Jan with a lock and gets 3 hits, and Jan evades 2 I believe for 1 dmg (leaving her with 2 hull). TN no shot, and Z no shot.

Round 6

Planning: This could be another setup round. Lehuse is not gonna have a shot as he is in the right corner and has to 2 hard and try and get back into the fight. Scorch has to sloop and turn around. Tie/ba is in front of a gas cloud. Norra will be banking away from TN this round and begin making her way to finish off Lehuse.

Activation: Z turns toward Tie/Ba. TN hard 1s toward Norra. Tie/ba hard 1s left away from Norra and toward the Z. He doesnt fly over the gas cloud thankfully, so he locks and focuses the Z. Scorch sloops. Lehuse turns and barely nabs a lock on Norra (not a wasted turn after all!). Norra banks upward like I thought. Jan 1 straights and focuses for a range 1 on TN. Midnight hard 1s toward Jan and has a range 3 and locks her.

Combat: Midnight fires at jan for a hit crit. Jan evades 1 and cant mod so she takes a crit. DIRECT HIT! Jan is dead. Lehuse no shot. Norra into TN does nada. Scorch may have the Z, but whiffs? Cant remember Tie/ba's attack but it probably took maybe a shield? TN takes 1 hull from Norra (nobody range 1, Norra on 3 hull left). Z doesnt do anything.

Round 7

Planning: Holy smokes, I still have all my ships! Not sure how. Hopefully this is the round I can finish Norra.

Activation: Z hard turns toward Tie/ba. TN 2 straights toward Norra. Tie/ba turns around gas cloud making his way toward Norra, but being safe range. Scorch hard 2s. I barrel roll for two reason: 1) It gives me a range 1 shot on the Z if Norra is too far out after she moves 2) I have a lock on Norra from round 5 still for mods if Norra is in range. Lehuse 3 banks and evades. Norra banks toward Lehuse and focus+evade. Midnight turns toward Norra but is out of range.

Combat: Midnight no shot. Lehuse last Concussion missile on Norra does 2dmg. She lives with 1 hull! Drat! Norra fires back and the evade saves Lehuse again, he lives with 1 hull! Scorch is next and Norra is range 3. Scorch fires and gets hit blank blank, BUT he has his lock and rolls into 3 hits! Norra is dead! My opponent calls game.

FINAL: 200-63 win (loss half on Scorch, Lehuse, Tie/ba).

Thoughts: Wow, not how I thought this was gonna go. A jan'd up braylen and Norra and I dont lose a single ship. I think going after Lehuse is a trap against this list. If you dont kill him, he 5 straights over your list and is still continuing to drop 3 dice full modded many times into your list, and now you have 4 other fresh enemy ships to deal with, where as if you just injury a front arc ship, if they run away, its one less gun you have to worry about, not so with Lehuse. Second game in a row where Lehuse lives on like 2 hull for 4+ rounds after that first engagement. After 1st round of combat, Lehuse had 2 hull and never lost one again until final round. He ate Braylen and Norras best attacks of the game, survived, and then they had to deal with ships while bumping and scrambling. Midnight had some clutch shots in this game. Versus ships like Braylen and Norra, shutting down their defense mods was money. The tie/ba conitnues to impress. Just get these guys behind a squad and full mod for days! Really getting accustomed to this squad. Its not so janky 😛

I just realized I was not using concussion missiles ability!!! Norra was damaged and should have been flipping a dmg card on the last two concussion missiles. Drat! gotta remember that for next round!

Edited by wurms

My List:

“Scorch” (33), “Midnight” (42), First Order Provocateur (45), TN-3465 (28) w/ Targeting Synchronizer (6), Lieutenant LeHuse (39) w/ Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199

Match #4 vs

L’ulo L’ampar (43)
Lone Wolf (5)

Kare Kun (51)
M9-G8 (7)
Integrated S-Foils (0)

Temmin Wexley (53)
R2-HA (4)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)

Green Squadron Expert (34)
Total: 199

About as unjank as you can get. I felt good going in though. If I can get Midnight on Lulo, he can do damage with his ability while the rest of the crew takes down the t70s. I was actually winning the match and had Lulo half-pointed after first engagement trapping him between Scorch and Tie/Ba and leading him right into Midnight. THEN Round 4 happened where my opponent landed Lulo on a Gas cloud. Sounds great for me, but he continued to roll all hits, Midnight blanked out dropping to 1 hull. Snap basically one shotted Scorch (who had 3 hull). And TN3465 had `1 hull left, but only one with a shot was the green sqd awing through a rock, who rolled 1 hit and 1 blank. TN3465 had 4 greens and zero evades. So my opponent took three shots and dropped midnight to 1 hull, killed scorch and killed TN. I rolled zero evades. Next round was pretty much a repeat. All hits by opponent. His red dice were probably the hottest dice I have seen in a long long time (see image below). He rolled 5 blanks only - ALL GAME!

I was in process of writing my batrep and browser quit and did not save. So... Im just gonna leave this image here and it should tell the whole story.


Edited by wurms