Update: Round 4 Match added
Other Matches: Round 1 Match / Round 2 Match / Round 3 Match
In case you are unfamiliar with this format this is how it goes:
1) Single Elimination Tournament ala March Madness
2) You will be given two randomly generated lists and have to choose one to fly throughout the tournament. For the first list, you get to choose your faction, while the second list is completely random.
3) You are allowed to remove and/or add one upgrade without going over 200pts.
Here are my two lists I was given:
I chose first order cuz i just wanted to fly TIE/ba and crossed my fingers I get one of the named ones. But First Order doesnt have too many ships, and pretty much all can be playable.
SFs can use any missile to good success with double arcs, Tie FOs, even the named ones are at least decent in this format, all the TIE/ba will be good in this format as will Silencers. The danger zone is the upsilons. Lots of open slots to fill and make it a points sink.
List #1 (my faction of choice):
“Scorch” (33)
Juke (7)
“Midnight” (42)
First Order Provocateur (45)
TN-3465 (28)
Targeting Synchronizer (6)
Lieutenant LeHuse (39)
Total: 200
Initial thoughts: I really liked the list, I was hoping for one of kylo, holo, or vonreg, but I still ended up with an initiatve 5 and 6. There are only two upgrades, so jank is weak with this one, especially since I get to remove one of my two upgrades. Very promising.
List #2: Republic
“Axe” (32)
Homing Missiles (5)
Munitions Failsafe (1)
Naboo Handmaiden (42)
Trajectory Simulator (6)
C1-10P (7)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Blue Squadron Protector (27)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Static Discharge Vanes (6)
Bravo Flight Officer (33)
Trajectory Simulator (6)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Total: 197
Initial thoughts: The jank is strong with this one. I love both naboos having proton torps, but I hate that they both have traj simulator, a guaranteed 6pts wasted since I can remove only one and thats not even touching the other two ships or Chopper droid which is a waste on a fast naboo foghter that gets free evades. Ugh. 19pts wasted and that is only half the list. The other ships are two V19s with missiles. One with static discharge vanes. Another 6pts wasted.
I didnt even bother with how I can change this. List #1 is the clear winner. If I had to make a change to list #2 id drop traj sim on a naboo for a passive sensors.
List #1 is my choice, so now I need to remove and add 1 upgrade. This list is 200pts exactly, so I have either 7pts removing juke, or 6pts removing targeting synch. If Im not going to equip a missile, target synch is the obvious choice as juke could have its moments, as TN would give scorch mods turning a die to a crit while he jukes.
So 6pts, what to do? Options I considered was outmaneuver on lehuse or midnight or the tie/ba. Tie/ba and scorch I figure are the top priority targets for the enemy as they are the 3 red dice ships and the tie/ba can be fully modded every round. The tie/ba was already my most expensive ship, so I didnt want to bloat him passed 50pts. Lehuse was probably going to be using the rear arc more than front arc, and midnight doesnt get that many good shots per game, and especially not out of arc. So this killed outmaneuver options for me.
Adv optics on Lehuse. This is one I actually playtested a few quick games on fly casual app. Without the gunner title, I want my initiative 5 to be more of a threat and adv optics does that. I found that my list had plenty of locks floating around with the tie/ba, midnight, scorch when he has to disengage and turn, and even TN can lock and block. With lehuse ability to use friendly locks, i felt adv optics was not optimal and juke is still just sitting out there bloating scorch to 40pts.
I really wanted that gunner title on LeHuse for a third red die to really take advantage of his ability but the points just werent there.
However, I did have enough for concussion missiles. That gives me a third die that I want. With missles now possible in the list, target synch is now back in play. TN can lock for LeHuse for some full modded concussions and Scorch is back to his cheap efficient 3 die attacker. And best of all scorch is my cheapest ship in the list, and if people want to really remove that 3 die threat, all the better.
My List:
“Scorch” (33)
“Midnight” (42)
First Order Provocateur (45)
TN-3465 (28)
Targeting Synchronizer (6)
Lieutenant LeHuse (39)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Total: 199
Next Up: Round 1 Match
Edited by wurms