Recommendations for a New casual skirmish player

By Bman49, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Hello, I got this game about 4ish years ago and for some reason it didn’t see much play until I opened it back up 3 weeks ago. I played one game of skirmish and had a ton of fun. So far I have the core set, all the wave one expansions, all the twin suns ally villain packs (not twins itself, I wasn’t that interested in any of the units or cards, I might have overlooked it though), Bantha rider, Return to Hoth, and Jabbas Realm. I’ve been playing skirmish a ton lately with my casual gaming group (or just one other person) and would like to to expand further into the game. Right now I’m kinda limited on funds so I can only purchase about two or three Ally Villain packs (probably not a new expansion box right now). What do you guys recommend for purposes of gameplay and fun?

Thanks (sorry for the poor grammar),


So lets see... You have quite a bunch already tbh. I would recommend Captain Terro as Imperials are very limited in the sets that you have (Jet troopers are great though). I would also recommend Jedi Luke if you don't already have him. Mercs are very well stocked from the Jabbas realm pack so you should be fine there. Last recommendation for three packs micht actually be Jawa scavenger for the IG88 fix card. However, with that you Merc faction would be even stronger. No, I think Sabine+Zeb pack would be perfect. So that would be my recommendation.

Edited by Ram

There's also some fixed & new deployments you can try out in IACP .

You do have quite a nice collection already. Honestly, I would wait and pool your money to pick up the Tyrants of Lothal expansion. The value for the skirmish game in that box is awesome. It has fixes for Han, Chewie and Vader making them all not only playable, but top-tier in skirmish. It also has riot troopers and the AT-DP for more Empire flavor with Ko-Tun, Drokatta, and the infamous Spectre Cell card for Rebels.

If you're dead set on 2 to 3 hero/villain packs, it really depends on which faction you would like to play. Here's a selection of excellent, strong packs for each faction that you may not have from the sounds of it (in no particular order):

Rebels: Jedi Luke, Alliance Rangers, R2-D2/C-3PO, Hera/C1-10P

Empire: Thrawn, The Emperor, maybe Terro (Tyrants of Lothal and Jabba's Realm really have the Empire troops covered )

Scum: Jawa, IG-88, Greedo, Jabba

Pick and choose your favorites and go from there. Can't really go wrong with any of them. They're the best at what they do. Of course, since you're playing casually, it's really about what characters you like and throwing them on the tabletop. This is just my two cents and I hope it helps a little.

1 hour ago, The Archangel said:

Honestly, I would wait and pool your money to pick up the Tyrants of Lothal expansion. The value for the skirmish game in that box is awesome. It has fixes for Han, Chewie and Vader making them all not only playable, but top-tier in skirmish. It also has riot troopers and the AT-DP for more Empire flavor with Ko-Tun, Drokatta, and the infamous Spectre Cell card for Rebels.

You are mixing up and conflating Heart of the Empire and Tyrants of Lothal here..

14 hours ago, a1bert said:

You are mixing up and conflating Heart of the Empire and Tyrants of Lothal here..

Yes. Yes, I am. My apologies. Thank you, a1bert!

Clarification: My recommendation for the expansion would be Heart of the Empire. It still has the Han/Chewie/Vader fixes, riot troopers, AT-DP, Ko-Tun & Drokkatta. Guess I just really wanted to throw the Spectre Cell card in there and call it Tyrants of Lothal for some reason!

My recommendations for the hero/villain packs remain the same, though my note for the Empire applies to the Heart of the Empire and Jabba's Realm expansions. They give you the best Empire troops in the Riot & Jet Troopers respectively. Death Troopers are also fun, but they come in Tyrants of Lothal.

Think I'm safe this time. Sorry for the confusion I may have caused.

I think it depends on what direction you want to take. I mean, fixed Han and Vader pretty much warped the meta when they came in. They will have huge impact on this collections local meta so to speak. Perhaps it is better to just add a few queen pieces to Rebels and Imperials to match the strength of the Jabba box?

Would recommend the Jawa figure pack, Jedi Luke figure pack and Captain Terro figure pack as your next figure pickups.

But if you can get another expansion box, I definitely recommend Heart of the Empire as your next pickup before any figure packs. Contains fixes for Han, Vader and Chewie, as well as AT-DP, Riot Troopers, Drokkatta, Ko-Tun and Clawdite, and also has proxy tokens and cards for Ahsoka, Palpatine and Maul.