Looking for homebrew vehicle rules

By ddbrown30, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm trying to track down the PDF of the homebrew vehicle combat rules that I've included before. I printed them out ages ago, but since we're playing online during the quarantine, I want to send the PDF to my players. If anyone can point me to where I can find it, it would be much appreciated.


Edited by ddbrown30

Oh, gosh! Those are mine. 😍

What I can give you this second is part of a collection of house rules.

95% of what's on the page should be mechanically the same. Actions are reworded to read more clearly, and Never Tell Me the Odds got tweaked thanks to a suggestion from @whafrog who inspired all of this. You can ignore all the other changes, which work to simplify combat into an all-dice affair for my players.

Edit: Totally forgot I made a cheat sheet .

Edited by wilsch

Awesome! Thanks! Even better with the cheat sheet. 😄