I haven't even bought the Starhawk yet, but I made a fleet for one. H9 guarantees I can lock a brace. Leia on the Bright Hope helps me cope with the Starhawk's command of four while also pulling double duty of controlling Luke, Wedge, and Dutch. Is three salvos too many? Can you have too many salvos? I could add four with Agate as the commander but I figured a second brace would be more important. I've got four activations. I feel this fleet is kind of awkward, but I prefer larger ship fleets, which is why I gravitate towards the Imperials more, so I'm trying to build a Rebel fleet with a stronger ship.
Starhawk Author: mj10982 Faction: Rebels Commander: Kyrsta Agate Assault Objective: Advanced Gunnery Defense Objective: None Navigation Objective: Solar Corona [flagship] Starhawk-Class Battleship Mark I (140) - Kyrsta Agate (20) - Concord (12) - High-Capacity Ion Turbines (8) - Bail Organa (7) - Strategic Adviser (4) - Magnite Crystal Tractor Beam Array (10) - H9 Turbolasers (8) - Local Fire Control (4) = 213 points CR90A Corvette (44) - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7) = 51 points GR-75 Medium Transports (18) - Bright Hope (2) - Bomber Command Center (8) - Expanded Hangar Bay (5) - Leia Organa (3) = 36 points 1 "Dutch" Vander (16) 1 Wedge Antilles (19) 1 Luke Skywalker (20) 1 Rogue Squadron (14) 1 Han Solo (26) = 95 points