Hey folks,
In a campaign I'm participating in, our players were previously mind-wiped as part of the campaign. A 'you find yourself three years later with no memory of what has happened' sort of instant. We rotate GMs, so it shouldn't be too difficult to pitch the idea to the others, but I'm rather keen to bash it out quickly myself so it doesn't encounter much trouble.
My character is 'Talon', a very-intelligent (Int 45) Dusk Assassin who's taken Rank 3 as a Saboteur and is currently sitting at ~3600XP. She plays highly towards the 'secret agent' style rather than the typical 'killy assassin'.
Anyhow, the way I'm looking at it at the moment is this:
- Gain the traits 'Engram Implant', 'Failsafe', 'Imperial Conditioning' and 'Through A Mirror', with emphasis on the 'Failsafe' aspect.
- In addition to the above gain 1d10 Insanity
- Perhaps even gain the 'Flawed Conditioning' aspect from the Infil-Traitor career
The caveat therein is that it relies on my character being closely tied with both the 'missing years' and the conditionings.
Does anyone have any particular input on this point? I rather like it overall (Engram Implantation isn't of much use to my character as she's got most of 'em already [only CL (Tech) as basic and Jaded) and it plays up to the background, at least.