Mind Wiping as an Elite Advance

By Xisor, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hey folks,

In a campaign I'm participating in, our players were previously mind-wiped as part of the campaign. A 'you find yourself three years later with no memory of what has happened' sort of instant. We rotate GMs, so it shouldn't be too difficult to pitch the idea to the others, but I'm rather keen to bash it out quickly myself so it doesn't encounter much trouble.

My character is 'Talon', a very-intelligent (Int 45) Dusk Assassin who's taken Rank 3 as a Saboteur and is currently sitting at ~3600XP. She plays highly towards the 'secret agent' style rather than the typical 'killy assassin'.

Anyhow, the way I'm looking at it at the moment is this:

- Gain the traits 'Engram Implant', 'Failsafe', 'Imperial Conditioning' and 'Through A Mirror', with emphasis on the 'Failsafe' aspect.
- In addition to the above gain 1d10 Insanity
- Perhaps even gain the 'Flawed Conditioning' aspect from the Infil-Traitor career

The caveat therein is that it relies on my character being closely tied with both the 'missing years' and the conditionings.

Does anyone have any particular input on this point? I rather like it overall (Engram Implantation isn't of much use to my character as she's got most of 'em already [only CL (Tech) as basic and Jaded) and it plays up to the background, at least.

We actually had this come up in our game. Through a series of unfortunate events our Psyk was faced with either being killed off after Tattered Fates or being Mind Wiped. Don't know why, but the Mind Wipe won out lengua.gif . Zilla knows all the details, as he was the GM of the sessions and was thus the one who oversaw the transition, but I know some of the basic details.

First off, it cost a Fate Point - basically the "burn the point so your character doesn't die" thing tied into that one.

Next the character changed their "origin". For our Psyker, it was a switch from Imperial into Mind Cleansed. Reset their base level stats into that of their new home world. They lose all the old traits that they had and gain those of being Mind Cleansed, including and of the fun nasty side effects like insanity.

The last step is kind of up to the GM. Zilla let our Psyk do some skill reassignment due to the fact that while physically the character is the same, mentally they are quite a bit different. So it makes a bit of sense if they forgot some of their old skills and pick up a few different ones (or had them implanted into their skull).

That's the short and dirty of our setup, minus all the RP and in game time that such a process takes.

Some of the backstory on our Psyker's "rebirth".

It was already milling about in the background that both Inquisitor Skane and Agent Van Eisen (the Prime) had decided that she needed a little quality time in an Imperial Guard bootcamp or something similar to toughen her up. Our Psyker was rather odd, even by the standards of Psykers: She was very young and unusually powerful. When she was a simple child on her feudal-tech homeworld the Tyrant Star payed a visit and at the age of 5 her powers awakened. The fearful villagers promptly dragged her off to "those strange men" and she got a free ride on a Black Ship. Because of this origin and the fact that somehow she was completely IMMUNE from Mind Scans the Inquisition decided to make use of her. She entered service at the age of 14. (Her player was new to the 40K universe and came up with a good back-story to learn right along with their character about the Big-Bad Galaxy).

After a series of VERY bad decisions and events during Tattered Fates our Adept became convinced that Ami had become posessed (having barely eluding a posession attempt of her own due to a burnt Fate Point earlier in the adventure). While Kira was questioning Ami she became increasingly defiant and surly, to the point that she eventually manifested the Chameleon power and attempted to sneak out of the room... Kira showed a bit of sympathy and aimed low (Usually she aims for the head of rogue Psykers). Furtunately for Ami it was just a compact bolt pistol instead of Kira's usual arsenal (TF) and blew her off her feet at exactly 0 wounds! She then went catatonic (good RP on the player's part there!) and spent the rest of the mission naked, sedated with Somna and bound in welded chains thanks to Psy (the team's Techpriest-Medicae). Not wanting to exclude the player for having roleplayed his character well and having a few fun options up my sleeve due to earlier events I ran a little solo-session with Ami's player during the down-time between game sessions to see how things would play out. There was a fairly innocent NPC in the mix who had developed secretly into a Nascent Psyker due to in-game events, and she ended up having a long conversation with Ami.... while she was in a med-induced coma! The NPC Psyker's budding powers had somehow poked a hole in Ami's "unbreakable" shield. Ami's psyche spent the rest of TF riding around as a passenger in the NPC. (So much evil-GM fun there!)

In the investigation that followed the events of TF it was determined that Ami was NOT actually posessed, but merely a bratty teenager with incredibly bad judgement and timing. They expected Inquisitor Skane to show up, but instead they were surprised to find FOUR inquisitors making planetfall with their retinues! The Inquisitors: Ahmazzi (Malleus), Skane (Hereticus), Rykehuss (Hereticus) and Kaede (Hereticus). In addition to the vulgarly obvious issue with Ami, we also had our hands on a nascent psyker (see above), a wyrd (another sympathetic NPC) and our own Adept who had awakened to Psy Rating 1 during the mission. After some politics and drama, Inquisitors Skane and Kaede along with the newly-promoted Interrogator Van Eisen (Setting up back-story here, since she is on the fast track to Inquisitor herself) arranged to have a field inquest regarding Ami and the other three newly-discovered Psykers smuggled out to a Black Ship using Kaede's contacts and agents while the other two Inquisitors were busy with the inquest. Skane is hardcore and stern, but fair, so she was willing to "recondition" her agent. Kaede is fairly Psyker-friendly if given half a chance, so he was more than willing to back Skane's play. Rykehuss of course wanted to personally handle the execution by fire! Ahmazzi is somewhat of a fatalist, so he didn't have a personal axe to grind but argued in favour of purging Ami "to be on the safe side". A deadlock! Unfortunately a Malleus Inquisitor can break such deadlocks given their authority over inter-Inquisiton investigations, so things were looking bad for our Psyker. Skane then offered to have Ami Mindcleansed and remade as a "Soldier of the Emperor" as a counter-proposal. Rykehuss was not convinced, but Ahmazzi deemed such a result "acceptable"

So one Fate Point later our bratty little Psyker was "reborn" with a new set of memories and a false past. Because of the radical change in mindset I allowed the player to rebuild the character with a few stipulations. She had to maintian as much of her Psy Rating as possible and her stats had to remain in the same place (after adjusting for new "origin" that is. I have my players assign their rolls where they want to during creation). She abandoned the "scholar" branch of training in favour of the "militant" branch, so obviously her skills and talents were going to be affected. This was further emphasized by the character undergoing bootcamp and a tour of duty with the Brontian IG while the team awaited the return of their now-Sanctioned Adept. Because of the bizarre events that happened during Tattered Fates and the lead-in mission I allowed her to lose her Telepathy and replace it with Biomancy (Effectively Ami and Lizelle traded some of their powers while they shared a body...). I assigned a few new traits to the character by GM-fiat and removed the immunity to Mind Scans (A consequence of Lizelle rending Ami's shields during their initial telepathic contact combined with the Mind-cleanse). I also allowed the player to make use of one of the Ascention options for modifying insanity and corruption points during her "rebirth", so the character ended up MUCH more sane and stable and about 1,500 XP lower on her new career.

So far things have gone reasonably well. Ami is now a Templar Calix and contemplating becoming a Crusader instead of a Primaris Psyker. If she does I will allow her player to the Psyker special ability from the Interrogator in place of the "Hammer of X" Crusader options to avoid her Psyk from completely stagnating.