
By Ywingscum, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So I’ve had the coreset for 2 weekends now. Playing the app campaign, think I’m on to mission 4. So much fun. I also got to play a best of 3 starter skirmish yesterday. That was amazing fun. After the app and after this time of troubles. I hope to get a multi player campaign. So far I’m totally obsessed.

some expansions arrived Friday, more are in transit. It’s gonna feel a little overwhelming in product. Just the way I like it. I have 10 JiME plus a troll to paint before I can start painting these minis but I’m looking forward to that too.

I put together the Rancor, holy huge! That’ll use a whole bottle of paint.

my one complaint, no tauntaun?

Welcome to the Church of Imperial Assault 😄

But no, no tauntaun ('cause adding extra movement to Rebels
would completely break many missions).

Grab all the expansions you want (and can afford) and dig up some friends, and you'll have hour after hour of joy with this game 🙂

Advise : The Imperial player might want to google any missions for troubleshooting suggestions and fixes. There are a couple of
unbalanced missions here and there, especially in the Core campaign + Bespin & Lothal expansions that can do with a tweak. The game, I find, works best if you play it semi-friendly and not too competative; the Imperial player surelly doesn't need to win missions to have fun with this, so it they are a lot more experienced than the Rebel players they might want to consider cutting the heroes some slack. Oh, and the Subversive Tactics Imperial class deck is super-good and no fun...

2 hours ago, Ywingscum said:

So I’ve had the coreset for 2 weekends now. Playing the app campaign, think I’m on to mission 4. So much fun. I also got to play a best of 3 starter skirmish yesterday. That was amazing fun. After the app and after this time of troubles. I hope to get a multi player campaign. So far I’m totally obsessed.

some expansions arrived Friday, more are in transit. It’s gonna feel a little overwhelming in product. Just the way I like it. I have 10 JiME plus a troll to paint before I can start painting these minis but I’m looking forward to that too.

I put together the Rancor, holy huge! That’ll use a whole bottle of paint.

my one complaint, no tauntaun?

In my opinion the multi player 1 v many campaign is the most fun way to play the game. Especially if you play thematically, vs win at all costs. I have an experienced group - and they don’t want me to take it easy on them which is fine. But I always lean on theme vs min maxing the units. I’ve shown this game to many, if they like board games or like Star Wars - it’s usually a slam dunk.

The cool thing is you probably only need to find two other people to start a decent campaign. There are balancing issues with just two heroes. But two players could run 3 heroes pretty easily. I have run several 3 hero campaigns and it’s balanced ok.

19 hours ago, totalnoob said:

In my opinion the multi player 1 v many campaign is the most fun way to play the game. Especially if you play thematically, vs win at all costs. I have an experienced group - and they don’t want me to take it easy on them which is fine. But I always lean on theme vs min maxing the units. I’ve shown this game to many, if they like board games or like Star Wars - it’s usually a slam dunk.

The cool thing is you probably only need to find two other people to start a decent campaign. There are balancing issues with just two heroes. But two players could run 3 heroes pretty easily. I have run several 3 hero campaigns and it’s balanced ok.

I'm a person who favors fun an thematics over whaling on the Rebel player. Unless, as you say, they want the challenge. I find two heroes mop the floor with the early campaigns. I'm teaching my 8 year old daughter how to play and she is using only two heroes, however, that has been a lot of fun for her. Just enough stress to make it a game, but not enough to cause her to hate it. She loves Diala.

Planning a giant splurge this month, I'm going to try to get as much as I physically can so all expansions (though some I'll have to order), and as many ally/villian packs as I can. Not sure why but games like this always drag me right in and by the by its about time I had some star wars painted up on my mini shelves.

2 hours ago, Rikalonius said:

I'm a person who favors fun an thematics over whaling on the Rebel player. Unless, as you say, they want the challenge. I find two heroes mop the floor with the early campaigns. I'm teaching my 8 year old daughter how to play and she is using only two heroes, however, that has been a lot of fun for her. Just enough stress to make it a game, but not enough to cause her to hate it. She loves Diala.

My daughter learned to play around the same age. She is now 12, but Diala is still her favorite!

I had never painted before (she is really into crafts), so I dove in a couple years ago and started painting the figures with her. It was great, so much fun. Now it’s mostly just me who is still painting the collection. 🙂 They grow up fast, so anything to steal some time with them is really special.

2 hours ago, Rikalonius said:

I'm teaching my 8 year old daughter

That's awesome. I've been playing with both my girls for a while... (now 11 and 9). They both like it but we sometimes have to "pause" the game halfway, take a few pictures of who has what damage etc., and continue it later.

1 hour ago, crimsonsun said:

a giant splurge this month,

Yeah, I'm a little nervous that the 3 small box expansions might sell out at some point, but don't really have the money for them now... I have Core, Hoth, JR and HotE already... plus a number of blisters packs.

22 hours ago, totalnoob said:

But two players could run 3 heroes pretty easily.

Sure, but two players can run 4 heroes even better! Two each, and the balancing is better with all four PC slots taken up. Adds a bit more strategy too. I would only do the two characters (Heroic level?) with my kids to give them an advantage.

Yeah, I started with Campaign... loved it and didn't touch Skirmish for the first year. Tried out Skirmish and LOVED that as well (found myself doing new combinations of deployments in my head while walking to the store or whatever). I particularly like 2v2 skirmish! Oh what fun. Then finally tried the app and love that as well. My kids prefer doing the app with me, over me being against them as the Imperial Player. I like both. I sometimes play the app by myself. I really want to try Raid Mode but (and if I had known I'd be stuck inside with the CoViD-19 pandemic I wouldn't have) I left my core set in another country and all I have with me is HotE, and not even any dice! Bummer.

Awesome game. Sometimes we would do 3 campaign missions in a row and just have so much fun and then reluctantly quit at 1AM. Good times.

9 minutes ago, totalnoob said:

started painting the figures with her.

Yeah, when my 11 year old daughter was 10 we let her use Spectre Cell (in it's pre-nerfed version) for all our skirmishes, to level the fields a bit. I got her her own set of SC figures and she's painted a few of them. We are both pretty bad at the nitty gritty details of it but we're just doing it for fun.

1 minute ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

That's awesome. I've been playing with both my girls for a while... (now 11 and 9). They both like it but we sometimes have to "pause" the game halfway, take a few pictures of who has what damage etc., and continue it later.

My daughter is only 3 but I've got a life times worth of games to play with her when she's a little bit older. Prior to lockdown I'd started a weekly mansions of madness game with my partner of 15 years, so I've finally cracked getting her to play games with me so I hope to expand the range of games over time and introduce my daughter as early as possible.


Yeah, I'm a little nervous that the 3 small box expansions might sell out at some point, but don't really have the money for them now... I have Core, Hoth, JR and HotE already... plus a number of blisters packs.

I'm having to order Jabba, bespoke and the Rebels expansion, some of the blisters seem really hard to track down at the moment, capatain Tarro for example I can't find anywhere in Europe in English. So I'll get what I can order the rest and try to get the expansion packs as quick as I can.

I am very much a star wars casual however, I've watched all the movies, rogue one, solo, I was surprised by the clone wars series, I actually enjoyed it quite alot and am watching it again at the moment, Rebels well I've watch the first 3 seasons I think but if I hadn't watched though Clone Wars first I wouldn't have got past the first episode, not great but I'll try to watch series 4 at some point. Oh I really enjoyed the mandalorian as well, that was very enjoyable. However I'm strictly a star wars casual, I have no major emotial attachment to the lore and as such don't mind the prequals, I actually prefered episode 2/3 to VII & VIII, VII especially but its because it was so well recieved and I don't know why, its partly because I don't think Kylo Ren is a good Villian, he just looks like a soppy university student, he's not believable as being scary at all and that really ruins the movies for me, awfully cast IMO, and what's that stupid light sabre about.. lol. Anyway I think being somewhat casual will really allow me to enjoy this game more than a hardline fan could, because I'm not overly wishful or hating on anything even rebels which was a bit silly, the silly art girl and the kid with the catapult it just felt weak, but it was the whole art style as well, the Clone Wars was pretty dark and you finally get some character development and slow corruption of Skywalker, you can see he's different from other jedi and slowly becomes more apparent, though it does make the Jedi order seem somewhat moronic being unable to see what's right in front of them.

Anyway reading on the forums I see there's hope for some new product, which means reprints of old product should be more likely so hopefully I'll be able to get the complete set eventually, its shocking how fast you can spend money on this I've got about £650 of things in my basket across a couple of websites...

20 minutes ago, crimsonsun said:

My daughter is only 3

That's funny, seems like a lot of IA players play with their daughters.

20 minutes ago, crimsonsun said:

I've watch the first 3 seasons

Do you mean first 3 episodes? I can see you having trouble with them because season 1 was just OK for me, but by season 2 I was really enjoying it and seasons 3 and 4 are great! I really hope they come back to some stuff at some point (but I won't spoil anything for you). I am the opposite. Rebels got me into Clone Wars and not the other way around.

As for Resistance, meh. Didn't hate it but I'll never re-watch any of that. And there was a lot of potential... I kept thinking of cool things that could have happened... but didn't. Guess it was aimed at pretty young kids.

As for the Sequel Trilogy... it's been talked about in a lot of other places... suffice to say, I prefer it (by far) to the Prequel Trilogy, and can't fathom how anyone could like little Ani and Jar Jar, and the Trade Federation (?!) more than the ST, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions. It's all good.

10 minutes ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Do you mean first 3 episodes? I can see you having trouble with them because season 1 was just OK for me, but by season 2 I was really enjoying it and seasons 3 and 4 are great! I really hope they come back to some stuff at some point (but I won't spoil anything for you). I am the opposite. Rebels got me into Clone Wars and not the other way around.

As for Resistance, meh. Didn't hate it but I'll never re-watch any of that. And there was a lot of potential... I kept thinking of cool things that could have happened... but didn't. Guess it was aimed at pretty young kids.

As for the Sequel Trilogy... it's been talked about in a lot of other places... suffice to say, I prefer it (by far) to the Prequel Trilogy, and can't fathom how anyone could like little Ani and Jar Jar, and the Trade Federation (?!) more than the ST, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions. It's all good.

No def 2/3 seasons I'm not sure where I got up too. It did get better that's for sure but it was really skin crawly in places but each to there own, for me it was Star Wars the family Sitcom but at the end of the day I have no mind to what people prefer and it had some good things as well as the irritating.

As for the Prequal trilogy, I said episode 2/3 specifically not episode one (which is beyond awful - it doesn't make sense, has nothing going for it at all), and generally episode 2 ignoring anything when skywalker is ******* cause that's just annoying. It was more because of how over rated episode VII was, everyone was like its fantastic and it really wasn't. Count Duku is vastly better as a villian than than Kylo Ren, he is solid and the Emperor well he's the Emperor so you can't have issue with him. Yet again I don't really care enough for any of this to matter, I can watch my way though stuff and be entertained and that's where it ends for me, though I've got friends who are far more into the lore than myself who'd be tearing at there hair over my opinions.

20 minutes ago, crimsonsun said:

but each to there own,

You made some good points! I agree with you and I also still can enjoy it all on some level, even the cringey stuff. I just prefer ST to PT.

Yeah, true, it is a bit sit-commy (is that a word?) but I guess I felt the sillier episodes in Rebels get fewer and fewer until the final season which seemed mostly really good (maybe occasionally a dud). I don't want to discuss any specifics for fear of spoiling anything, and also I sort of forget which cool things happened in which season...

But back to Ywingscum's original point... IA is really fun, and allows us to enjoy stuff we liked in the movies and TV shows by participating or re-enacting parts! Good times.

52 minutes ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

That's funny, seems like a lot of IA players play with their daughters.

My son, who is now 21, and I played WOTC Star Wars miniatures. I much prefer Campaign IA, but at the time, there wasn't anything like IA out there. I prefer tabletops to full on RPGs. We had some fun, but he would get bored. I think he was 10 at the time, and want to do other things. I don't think boys become really good gamers till their teens, which is when girls no longer desire to play tabletop games with Dad.

2 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

That's funny, seems like a lot of IA players play with their daughters.

We're expecting a baby girl, due in August. I'm hoping my IA stuff is still in good condition when she's old enough 😁 .

9 minutes ago, Uninvited Guest said:

We're expecting a baby girl, due in August. I'm hoping my IA stuff is still in good condition when she's old enough 😁 .

Congratulations! I'm sure it will be, or you'll be on 2nd edition or some such.

1 hour ago, Rikalonius said:

My son, who is now 21, and I played WOTC Star Wars miniatures. I much prefer Campaign IA, but at the time, there wasn't anything like IA out there. I prefer tabletops to full on RPGs. We had some fun, but he would get bored. I think he was 10 at the time, and want to do other things. I don't think boys become really good gamers till their teens, which is when girls no longer desire to play tabletop games with Dad.

I hope there's never a time when my daughter is too old to spend time with her Dad, but I guess I'm overly optimistic...

my two cents = you can totally run a 1v1 player campaign no sweat.

managing 4 heroes is about as mentally taxing as managing an entire army + reinforcement timing + quest book management + agenda card management + class upgrade cards.

On 4/8/2020 at 2:57 AM, crimsonsun said:

I hope there's never a time when my daughter is too old to spend time with her Dad

Yup, I'm optimistic too...

On 4/8/2020 at 2:47 AM, Uninvited Guest said:

We're expecting a baby girl, due in August. I'm hoping my IA stuff is still in good condition when she's old enough 😁 .

Congrats! Wait till she's old enough or it will be in bad condition! hahaha.

2 hours ago, thinkbomb said:

managing 4 heroes is about as mentally taxing as managing an entire army + reinforcement timing + quest book management + agenda card management + class upgrade cards.

I agree. Does get a bit more complicated as they get more XP stuff though, but it's not that bad. That's part of playing the game... making sure you didn't forget something cool you could have done.

On 4/7/2020 at 5:02 PM, crimsonsun said:

Anyway reading on the forums I see there's hope for some new product, which means reprints of old product should be more likely so hopefully I'll be able to get the complete set eventually, its shocking how fast you can spend money on this I've got about £650 of things in my basket across a couple of websites...

If you are still looking for Kayn Somos, I have a spare. Blister box has gone, but everything else should be there? (UK Based)

On 4/7/2020 at 5:24 PM, Mandalore of the Rings said:

As for Resistance, meh. Didn't hate it but I'll never re-watch any of that. And there was a lot of potential... I kept thinking of cool things that could have happened... but didn't. Guess it was aimed at pretty young kids.

Resistance was so successful it wasn't brought to Disney Plus...

On 4/16/2020 at 4:16 AM, onyersix said:

Resistance was so successful it wasn't brought to Disney Plus...

As a Disney+ subscriber, I can tell you that both seasons of Resistance are definitely available on the platform (at least in the U.S.).

Edited by Rmcarrier1

It is in Canada too. I rather like Resistance myself.

I can only speak for the UK listings.