Beating Challenge of the Wainriders.

By asgardianphil, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

1 hour ago, Alonewolf87 said:

(you might already know this but still), don't take the printed difficulty rating of the quests as accurate, they are often all over the place.

Yep, they are. I've read and watched loads of things about the game, difficulty rating included. There's loads of wonderful content and contributors to this great game.

I just take any quest as difficulty- hard. Really hard. I've got some nightmare packs too but as an average player and not the best deck builder I'm too scared to play them.

I'm hoping my 'how to beat xxx' threads will show new/casual players they're not alone; constantly getting hammered by a deck of paper cards. Show them my win/loose ratio in real time and the trials and tribulations of a LOTR LCG junkie.

Not sure if this link works but this was my deck

Be gentle with me. 😁

Edited by asgardianphil
Changed the link to the correct one
4 minutes ago, asgardianphil said:

Not sure if this link works but this was my deck.

Be gentle with me. 😁

It's a private deck so no, it doesn't work

6 hours ago, asgardianphil said:

Indeed it works.

It seems like a good willpower/location control deck, with some defense sprinkled in (I guess Idraen will be the one with Inner Strenght acting as the defender) and good characters for all the kinds of racing tests, but it might fall short on the combat side (also the Northern Trackers might be a bit too much in solo, even though they are kinda nice in combat). I would consider adding Tale of Tinuviel as another way to use Galadriel or Glorfindel willpower, remove the Trackers and Valiant Determination, put in some Knight of Belfalas and/or Erebor Guard . Otherwise if you want to keep a full spirit lineup you could go with a Caldara/Arwen/Beregond with the usual shenanings, or if you want to go for a full location control you might consider a Idraen/Glorfindel/Lore Noldor (Elrond or Galdor) to use The Hidden Way to take full advantage of your focus

Game #5.

I started making the amendments that Alonewolf87 mentioned but then as I was doing it had an idea to do a deck around 3 Esgaroth Guardians buffed up to 5s across their stats but also make them Gondorian for some Gondor Synergy.


Heroes: Arwen, Aragorn (leadership) and Boromir (leadership)

Threat 32.

Draws: Elrond's Council, Elven-light, Sneak Attack, Tale of Tinúviel, Steward Of Gondor and Valiant Sacrifice. Besides Elven-light non of the cards I need. Mulligan.


Draws Valiant Determination, Elrond's Council, In The Service Of The Steward, Guardian of Esgaroth, Galadriel and Visionary Leadership.

Put Wainrider Champion into staging. Put objectives at stage 1.

Turn 1

Draw Guardian of Esgaroth.

Planning: play Guardian of Esgaroth.

Quest: commit Arwen and Guardian of Esgaroth. Play Elrond's Council. Threat 29.

Stage Weary Lands treachery. Threat 30 -1 WP to each exhausted character.

2 threat vs 3 WP. 1 progress on stage 1.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 1.

Combat: Aagorn defends the Wainrider Champion for 2 Def. (Shadow is Veteran Wainrider. +2 att if Challengers are ahead). Aragorn takes 2 damage.

Boromir attacks Wainrider Champion for 1 damage.

Refresh: threat 31

Turn 2

Draws Sneak Attack.

Planning: play Valiant Determination and In Service of the Steward. (Leaving 1 resource on Aragorn).

Quest: commit Guardian of Esgaroth and Aragorn.

Stage Agressive Racer. Threat 3 vs 5WP. 2 progress made on stage .

Forced: 3 damage on stage 1. Advance The Wainriders to stage 2 carrying over 1 damage.

Engagement: Aggressive Racer engages. Combat: Archery 1 on Arwen. (The way I understand Archery keyword is that it takes place before an action window. So I can't sneak in Galadriel to soak up). Play Sneak Attack to put Galadriel into play. Pulls Celebrían's Stone and plays it on Aragorn. (Reorders from Top... Valiant Determination, Gandalf, Valiant Determination, Dwarven Tomb.) Galadriel defends Agressive Racer for 0 def (shadow is The Champion's Cunning. +2 damage and 2 on stage if destroys a character). Kills Galadriel and place 4 damage on stage 2. Wainriders advance to stage 3 carrying over 1 damage. Esgaroth Guardian an Boromir kill Agressive Racer 6 att vs 2 def and 3 HP.

Refresh: threat 32.

Turn 3

Draw Valiant Determination.

Planning: play Esgaroth Guardian. Arwen discard Visionary Leadership to gain a resource. Play Valiant Determination on the new Esgaroth Guardian.

Quest: with both Guardians.

Stages Weary Lands. Threat 33 -1 WP to each ehausted character. So in this case no effect.

2 Threat Vs 5 WP. 3 progress made on stage 1. The Challengers advance to stage 2. The gondorian Esgaroth Guardian commits to racing test with def 3. Drew a wild and straight. Carryover 2 progress to stage 2.

Forced: add 2 damage to stage 3.

Refresh: threat 34

Turn 4

Draws Gandalf.

Quest: commit both Guardians.

Stages The Champion's Cunning. Wainrider Champion makes an immediate attack. Gondorian Esgaroth Guardian defends for 3. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect). 1 damage on the guardian.

Threat 2 vs 5WP. 3 progress on stage 2. Challengers advance to stage 3. Borromir tests attack 3. Nope. Just Turns. Each character takes 1 damage. Things just got bad. No progress carries over.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 3. The Wainriders advance to stage 4 carryover 1 damage.

Refresh: threat 35.

Turn 5

Draws Valiant Determination.

Planning: discards Valiant Determination to add 1 resource to Aragorn. Plays Gandalf (leaves 1 resource on Boromir and Aragorn) draw 3 cards: Dwarven Tomb, Warden of Healing and Heirs of Earendil.

Quest: commit both Guardians.

Stages Rolling Plains. Threat 6 vs 5WP. Threat dial 36.

Forced: add 2 damage to stage 4.

Travel: to Rolling Plains. Threat 38.

Refresh: threat 39. Discard Gandalf.

Turn 6

Draws Elven-light.

Planning: arwen discards Elven-light to gain a resource to then play Elven-light. Draws Silver Circlet. Plays Silver Circlet on Arwen.

Quest: commit both Guardians and Arwen.

Stages Painful Fatigue. Ehaust 1 character and deal it 1 damage. Choose Borromir.

Threat 2 vs 10 Wp. Explores Rolling Plains. 4 progress on stage 3. The Challengers advance to stage 4. Aragorn exhausts to make WP test with 4. Gets 1 turn card.

Forced: add 2 damage to stage 4. Wainriders advance to stage 5. Carrying 1 damage with them.

Refresh: threat 40.

Turn 7

Draws Wild Stallion.

Planning: Arwen discards then plays Elven-light to draw Will Of The West. Play and attach Wild Stallion to gondorian Guardian of Esgaroth.

Quest: commit both Guardians

Stage Rider of Rhún. Searches and attaches an Easterling Horse. Threat 6 vs 7 WP. Make 1 progress on stage 4.

Forced: add 6 damage to stage 5. Wainriders advance to stage 6. Carrying over 3 damage.

Engagement: Rider of Rhún engages.

Combat: 2 archery on Boromir. Mounted guardian of Esgaroth defends for 5. (Shadow is Rolling Plains. No effect). No damage. The 3 heroes all attack for 7. Killing Rider of Rhún.

Refresh: threat 41.

Turn 8

Draws Warden of Healing. ( I need my Ring of Barahir)

Planning: Arwen discards and plays Elven-light to draw Tale of Tinúvuel.

Quest: commit both Guardians and Arwen.

Stages Easterling Horse. Attaches to Wainrider Champion. Threat 4 vs 12 WP. 8 progress made on stage 4. Challengers advance to stage 5. Mounted guardian makes racing test for 5 def. (Gets 4 straights) carrys over 5 progress. Challengers advance to stage 6. Aragorn makes racing test with 4 wp. Gets 3 straights. Needed 2. Carry over 1 progress.

Forced: add 4 damage to stage 6. Wainriders advance to stage 1 with 3 damage carried over.

Refresh: threat 42.

Turn 9

Draws Gandalf.

Planning: Arwen discards elven-light and plays it again to draw Valiant Sacrifice. Plays Gandalf. Draws Tale of Tinúvuel and x2 Steward of Gondor. Play Steward on Aragorn and exhaust it.

Quest: commit both Guardians and Aragorn

Stages Wainrider Chariot. Can't attach. Surges into Argressive Racer. 5 threat vs 11 WP. 6 progress on stage 6. Play Tale of Tinúvuel to ready Aragorn and give him +3 att. Aragorn attempts racing test with 6 att. Get 2 turns. Passed. Challengers advance an carry over 3 progress to stage 1.

Forced: add 5 damage to stage 1. Wainriders advance to stage 2 and carry over 4 damage. Wainriders advance to stage 3.

Engagement: Agressive Racer engages

Combat: archery 1 on Gandalf. Gandalf defends the Racer for 4 def. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect) no damage. Mounted guardian attacks the racer for 6. Killing it.

Refresh: threat 43. Discard Gandalf and play Valiant Sacrifice to draw Steward of Gondor and Sword That was Broken.

Turn 10

Draws Wild Stallion.

Planning: exhaust Steward of gondor. Arwen discards elven-light and plays it to draw Heirs of Earendil. Play and attach Wild Stallion to the other Guardian of Esgaroth. Play Sword that was Broken on Aragorn.

Quest: commit both Guardians for 11 WP.

Stages Weary Lands. Threat 44. Each exhausted character-1WP so no effect.

Threat 4 vs 11 WP. 7 progress made challengers advance to stage 2. Plays a Tale of Tinúvuel to boost Aragorn's def. Aragorn makes the racing test with def 5. Gets a straight. 6 progress carried over to stage 2. Challengers advance to stage 3. Gondorian guardian makes racing test using att 6. 3 straights and a wild drawn. 2 progress carried over.

Forced: add 4 damage to stage 3. Wainriders advance to stage 4.

Refresh: threat 45.

Turn 11

Draws Guardian of Esgaroth.

Planning: exhaust steward. Arwen discards elven-light and plays it to draw In Service of the Steward. Plays In Service of the Steward on Guardian. Plays Dwarven Tomb to return Elrond's Council to my hand. Play 3rd Guardian of Esgaroth.

Quest: commit both mounted guardians, Aragorn and Arwen for 23 WP.

Stages Veteran Wainrider.

Threat 6 Vs 23. 17 progress made.

Challengers advance to stage 4. Mounted guardian makes racing test WP 6. Gets 1 turn. 15 progress carried over. Challengers advance to stage 5. I've decided I've over quested and the effect of the Veteran Wainrider really hurts my final dash at this point. I don't have enough characters to make race tests. No one exhausts to the test and it auto fails. Discard all remaining progress and draw 1 encounter card. Wainrider Chariot. Surges into Weary Lands. Doomed 1. Threat 46.

Forced: add 8 damage to stage 4. Wainriders advance to stage 5. Carry 4 damage over. Wainriders advance to stage 6.

Engagement: Veteran Wainrider engages. Defends with the other mounted guardian of Esgaroth for 5 def. (Shadow is Veteran Wainrider. No effect. ). No damage. Boromir and the remaining guardian attack for 5 att (boromir has 1 resource) killing the Veteran Wainrider.

Refresh: threat 47.

Turn 12

Draws Elrond's Council.

Planning: exhaust steward. Arwen discards elven-light and plays it to draw Ring Of Barahir. Play the ring giving Aragorn lore sphere. Play Warden of Healing. Heals 1 dam from Boromir and Arwen.

Quest: both mounted Guardians and Arwen. For 18 WP.

Stages The Champion's Cunning. Wainrider Champion makes an attack. Mounted guardian defends for 5. (Shadow is Crowded Track. No effect). No damage.

Threat 4 vs 18WP. Makes 14 progress.

Play both Elrond's Councils on Aragorn. Threat dial 41

Challengers advance to stage 6. Aragorn makes racing test 7 WP. Get 2 straights. Carry over 10 progress.

Mounted Esgaroth makes final racing test 6 att. Drew 2 straights and 1 wild. Failed. All progress removed.

Forced: add 4 damage to stage 6.

Wainrider Champion wins.

Very close game.

I just peeked at the next encounter card and it was a turn. 🥺

I think this deck has a good chance. I'm sure I made a couple of tactical blunders but hindsight is a wonderful gift.

7 minutes ago, asgardianphil said:

So I can't sneak in Galadriel to soak up). Play Sneak Attack to put Galadriel into play. Pulls Celebrían's Stone and plays it on Aragorn. (Reorders from Top... Valiant Determination, Gandalf, Valiant Determination, Dwarven Tomb.)

To use Galadriel effect you have to play her from your hand, no Sneak Attack shenanigans, sorry.

5 hours ago, Alonewolf87 said:

To use Galadriel effect you have to play her from your hand, no Sneak Attack shenanigans, sorry.

Cheers for checking. I'm glad I lost now. I'd really hate to win by getting cards wrong. I'm aiming for a flawless win (as in no technical mistakes).

5 hours ago, Alonewolf87 said:

Sorry to say this but this deck it's kind of a jumble. I can see the use of many of the cards, but the synergies are a bit over the place. Why not go for the usual Dale shell (Bard/Brand/another spirit hero) to get out the most from the Guardians of Esgaroth?

Well, I almost put them in but thought about trying something different with them. I also wanted to use the Tale of Tinúvuel shennenigens for the racing test. I think I will now go more with the traditional bard brand set up as you suggest.

I think if I hadn't over quested when I did I might got further round. I'd have had aragorn or arwen to use in an extra racing test. I also pulled elronds council with dwarven tomb due to my threat but in hindsight i should have pulled tale of Tinúvuel.

Game #6.

I had a bit of a break, playing some other board games with my family. So I haven't yet changed or tweaked my last deck. However I'm itching for another attempt so I'm playing with the same deck as game 5. ( warts and all)

Place Aragorn, Boromir and Arwen heroes. (Leadership and Spirit)

Threat Dial (TD)32.

Draws Warden of Healing, Galadriel, Valiant Determination, Tale of Tinúvuel, Elrond's Council and Valiant Sacrifice.

Mulligan into Elrond's Council, Sword That Was Broken, Wild Stallion, Steward of Gondor, Gandalf and Ring of Barahir.

Set up quest.

Turn 1

Draw Will of the West.

Planning: play Ring of Barahir on Aragorn. Play Steward Of Gondor on Aragorn and exhaust it. Arwen discards Will of the West to give Aragorn a resource. Play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn

Quest: commit Arwen and play Elrond's Council. 5 Wp. TD 29

Stages The Champion's Cunning. Wainrider Champion makes an immediate attack. Aragorn defends for 2. (Shadow is Wainrider Chariot. No effect). 2 damage on Aragorn.

2 threat vs 5 WP. 3 progress on stage 1.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 1.

Engagement: Wainrider Champion is considered engaged.

Combat: Boromir defends for 2. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect). 2 damage on Boromir.

Refresh: TD 30.

Turn 2

Draw Tale of Tinúvuel. Exhaust Steward of Gondor

Planning: play Gandalf who draws Visionary Leadership, Valiant Determination and Wild Stallion.

Quest: commit Arwen for 4 WP.

Stages The Champion's Cunning. Wainrider Champion makes an immediate attack. Aragorn defends for 2. (Shadow is Crowded Track. No effect). Aragorn takes 2 damage.

2 threat vs 4 WP. 2 progress made on stage 1. Boromir attempts the defence racing test. Fails. Visionary Leadership randomly discarded. The Challengers advance to stage 2.

Forced: place 2 damage on stage 1. Wainriders advance to stage 2.

Engagement: Wainrider Champion is considered engaged.

Combat: Gandalf defends for 4. (Shadow is Veteran Wainrider. No effect this time. No damage.

Refresh: TD 31. Gandalf leaves play.

Turn 3

Draws Guardian Of Esgaroth. Exhaust Steward of Gondor.

Planning: play Guardian of Esgaroth.

Quest: commit Aragorn for 3 WP. Ready him.

Stages Agressive Racer. Threat 3 Vs 3 Wp. No progress.

Forced: add 3 damage to stage 2.

Engagement: Wainrider Champion is considered engaged and Agressive Racer engages.

Archery 1 on Arwen.

Aragorn defends Wainrider Champion for 2. (Shadow is Rolling Plains. No effect). Aragorn takes 2 damage. (1hp left.)

Borromir defends Agressive Racer for 2 def. ( Shadow is Ravine Ledge. No effect. Boromir takes 2 damage. (Also 1 Hp left).

Refresh: TD 32

Turn 4

Draws Valiant Determination. Exhaust Steward of Gondor

Planning: play Wild Stallion and attach it to Guardian of Esgaroth #1.

Quest: commit Aragorn for 3WP and ready him. Stages Rolling Plains.

6 threat vs 3 WP. TD 35.

Travel: to Rolling Plains. TD 37.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 2. Wainriders advance to stage 3 with 1 damage.

Combat: 1 archery on Arwen (1hp left).

Guardian of Esgaroth #1 defends for 3. (Shadow is Ravine Ledge. No effect. Guardian takes 1 damage. Aragorn and Boromir attack Agressive Racer for 6 att Defeating it.

Refresh: TD 38.

Turn 5

Draws Heirs of Earendil. Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Heirs... to add 1 resource to herself.

Planning: play Valiant Determination on Guardian of Esgaroth #1.

Quest: commit Guardian #1 and Aragorn for 8 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Easterling Captain. Discards 19 cards untill Easterling Horse is discarded and then attaches to Easterling Captain (and is the end of this game)

Threat 7 vs 8WP. 1 progress on Rolling Plains.

Forced: 7 damage on stage 3. Wainriders advance to stage 5.

Engagement: Easterling Captain engages.

Combat: Guardian #1 defends for 4. (Shadow is Painful Fatigue. Exhausts Arwen to keep it engaged). Guardian #1 takes 2 damage.

Aragorn and Boromir attack it for 6. Damage is cancelled and Easterling Horse is discarded.

Refresh: TD 39

Turn 6

Draws Elrond's Council. Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Valiant Determination to add a resource to herself.

Planning: play Wild Stallion.

Quest: commit Guardian #1 and Aragorn for 8 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Wainrider Chariot. No legal target in play. Surges into Narrow Pass.

5 threat vs 8 WP. 3 progress on Rolling Plains exploring it.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 5.

Combat: Wild Stallion defends Easterling Captain for 1. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect). Wild Stallion is defeated.

Aragorn, Boromir and Guardian #1 attack Eaterling Captain for 11. Defeated and placed in the Victory Display.

Refresh: TD 40.

Turn 7

Draws In The Service of the Steward. Exhaust Steward of Gondor.

Planning: play In The Service of the Steward on Guardian #1.

Quest: Commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 13 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Rocky Outcrop.

Threat 8 vs 13 WP. Makes 5 progress on stage 2. Guardian #1 attempts the attack racing test for 6 cards. Makes it. Challengers advance to stage 3 with 1 progress.

Forced: 2 damage on stage 5. Wainriders advance to stage 6.

Travel: to Rocky Outcrop exhaust Boromir

Refresh: TD 41

Turn 8

Draws Tale of Tinúvuel. Exhaust Steward of Gondor.

Quest: Commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 13 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Weary Lands. Doomed 1. TD 42

5 threat vs 10 WP. Play Elrond's Council (target Guardian#1). TD 39. Now 11 WP. 6 progress made. 3 explores Rocky Outcrop and 3 on stage 3. Guardian #1 attempts will power racing test with 7 WP. Passes. Challengers advance to stage 4.

Forced: add 2 damage to stage 6.

Refresh: TD 40.

Turn 9

Draws Silver Circlet. Exhaust Steward of Gondor.

Planning: play Silver Circlet on Arwen.

Quest: Commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 15 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Veteran Wainrider

7 threat vs 15 WP. 8 progress on stage 4. Guardian #1 attempts the defence racing test for 5 def. Passes. Challengers advance to stage 5 with 4 progress. Play Tale of Tinúvuel to ready Arwen (exhaust Aragorn). Arwen attempts WP racing test with 8 WP. Passes (with 2 wilds and 3 straights). Challengers advance to stage 6.

Forced: 4 damage on stage 6. Wainriders advance to stage 1 with 2 damage.

Not engaging Veteran Wainriders (encounter 45)

Refresh: TD 41

Turn 10

Draws Warden of Healing. Exhaust Steward of Gondor

Planning: play Warden of Healing. Exhaust to heal Aragorn and Boromir. Pay 2 resource to repeat. Pay 2 resource to repeat. Pay 2 resource to repeat. (Boromir now fully healed). Pay 2 resource to ready warden of healing. Exhaust him to heal Aragorn and Arwen. Pay 2 resource to repeat. (Aragorn and Arwen fully healed. (Just have 3 damage left on Guardian #1).

Quest: Commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 15 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Agressive Racer.

Threat 8 vs 15WP. 7 progress made on stage 6. Guardian #1 attempts the attack race with 6 att. Passes. Challengers advance to stage 1 with 3 progress.

Forced: 5 damage on stage 1. Wainriders advance to stage 2 with 3 damage.

Engagement: engaged Agressive Racer.

Combat: archery 1 on Aragorn. Aragorn defends Aggressive Racer for 2 def. (Shadow is Crowded Track. No effect). 2 damage on Aragorn.

Boromir attacks Agressive Racer for 3 dealing 1 damage.

Refresh: TD 42.

Turn 11

Draws Elven-light. Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Elven-light. Warden of Healing exhausts to heal Aragorn and Guardian #1. Pay 2 resources to repeat. Pay 2 resources to repeat. (All characters fully healed).

Quest: Commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 15 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Agressive Racer #2.

Threat 8 vs 15WP. 7 progress on stage 2. Not going to commit anyone to the racing test. Auto fails. Discards Elven-light randomly. Challengers advance to stage 2 with 0 progress.

Forced: 5 damage to stage 2. Wainriders advance to stage 4.

Engagement: optionally engage Veteran Wainrider and Agressive Racer #2 engages.

Combat: 2 archery on Guardian #1.

Agressive Racer #1 attacks undefended. (Shadow is The Champion's Cunning. +1 att. 5 damage on Aragorn.

Play Tale of Tinúvuel to ready Arwen. (Aragorn exhausts)

Arwen defends Agressive Racer #2 for 4 def. (Shadow is Weary Lands. Deals 1 damage to Arwen). No other damage from the combat.

Veteran Wainrider attacks undefended. (Shadow is Chariot driver. No effect) Boromir takes 3 damage.

Guardian #1 attacks for 6 and defeats Agressive Racer #2. Boromir attacks for 3 and puts 1 damage on Agressive Racer #1.

Refresh: TD 43. Arwen plays Elven-light from discard to draw Elrond's Council.

Turn 12

Draws Steward of Gondor. Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Valiant Sacrifice. Exhaust Warden of healing and heal Aragorn and Boromir. Pay 2 resources to repeat but heal Arwen instead of Boromir.

Quest: commit Guardian #1 and Arwen for 12 WP.

Stages Crowded Track.

Threat 10 vs 12. 2 progress made on stage 2.

Forced: 2 damage to stage 4.

Travel to Narrow Pass.

Combat: archery 1to Guardian #1.

Aragorn defends Aggressive Racer #1 for 2 def. (Shadow is Agressive Racer. No effect). 2 damage to Aragorn.

Boromir defends against Veteran Wainrider. (Shadow is The Champion's Cunning. +1 att). 2 damage on Boromir.

Guardian #1 attacks and defeats Agressive Racer #1.

Refresh: TD 44

Turn 13

Draws Celebraín's Stone. Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Sneak Attack. Exhaust Warden of Healing and heal Aragorn and Boromir. Pay 2 resources to repeat.

Planning: play Celebraín's Stone on Aragorn.

Quest: commit Aragorn, Arwen and Guardian #1 for 17 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Agressive Racer #1. Play Elrond's Council on Aragorn. TD 41.

8 threat vs 18 WP. Makes 10 progress. 5 on Narrow pass explores it. 5 on stage 2. Guardian #1 attempts attack racing test with 6 att. Passed. Challengers advance to stage 3 with 3 progress.

Forced: add 3 damage Wainriders advance to stage 5 with 1 damage.

Engagement. Agressive Racer #1 engages.

Combat: archery 1 to Arwen.

Boromir defends Veteran Wainrider for 2 def. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect. 1 damage on Boromir.

Aragorn defends Aggressive Racer #1 for 2 def. (Shadow is Easterling Horse. No effect.) 2 damage on Aragorn.

Refresh: TD 42.

Turn 14

Draws Wild Stallion. Ehaust Steward of Gondor. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Galadriel. Warden of healing exhausts to heal Aragorn and Arwen. Pay 2 resources to heal Aragorn and Boromir. Pay 2 resources to repeat.

Planning: play Galadriel. No legal draw attachments not already in play. (Stacks Galadriel, Guardian of Esgaroth, Warden of healing, Celebrían's Stone and Ring of Barahir. Play Wild Stallion.

Quest: commit Aragorn, Arwen, Guardian #1 for 17 WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Rolling Plains.

Threat 13 vs 17 WP. 4 progress made on stage 3. Aragorn attempts WP racing test with 5 WP. Test failed. Discard Galadriel. Play Valiant Sacrifice to draw Galadriel and Guardian of Esgaroth. Challengers advance to stage 4 with 0 progress.

Forced: 2 damage to stage 5.

Combat: archery 1 on Arwen.

Boromir defends against Agressive Racer #1. (Shadow is Weary Lands. Deal 1 damage to defender). 2 more damage on Boromir.

Veteran Wainrider attacks undefended. (Shadow is Painful Fatigue. Exhaust Wild Stallion). 3 damage on Aragorn.

Guardian #1 attacks and defeats Agressive Racer #1.

Refresh: TD 43

Turn 15

Draws Warden of Healing. Exhaust Steward Of Gondor. Warden of healing exhausts to heal Aragorn and Boromir. Pay 2 resources to repeat.

Planning: play Guardian of Esgaroth #2. Attach Wild Stallion to it. Play Galadriel. She puts Valiant Determination on Guardian #2. Stacks Visionary Leadership, Celebrain's Stone, Ring of Barahir and Steward of Gondor.

Quest: commit Aragorn, Arwen, Guardians 1 and 2, Boromir and Galadriel for 28 WP. Aragorn readies himself

Stages Rolling Plains (loosing me the game?)

Threat 17 vs 28 WP makes 11 progress.

Racing test 1. Def. Guardian #2 attempts and draws 4 cards. passes. Challengers advance to stage 5 with 7 progress.

Racing test 2. WP. Aragorn attempts. Draws 5 cards. Passes with 2 straights. Challengers advance to stage 6 with 3 progress.

Forced: add 2 damage to stage 5. Wainriders advance to stage 6 with 1 damage.

Engagement: Wainrider Champion is considered engaged.

Combat: only one card left in encounter deck so deal shadow to Wainrider Champion. Veteran doesn't get one.

Sneak attack in Warden of healing #2.

Warden of Healing #2 defends Veteran Wainrider and is defeated. No shadow.

Guardian of Esgaroth #1 defends against Wainrider Champion for 5 def. (Shadow is Narrow Pass. No effect. No Damage.

Refresh: TD 44. Galadriel leaves play. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Visionary leadership (which I now realise I should have done in the planning phase to gain the extra will power... doh)

Turn 16

Draw Celebraín's Stone. Exhaust Steward Of Gondor. Arwen discards Elven-light and plays it to draw Ring of Barahir.

Planning: play Visionary Leadership on Boromir. Warden of Healing exhausts to heal Aragorn and Boromir.

Quest: commit Aragorn, Boromir, Arwen and Guardians 1 and 2 for 27WP. Aragorn readies himself.

Stages Chariot Driver. Either place 3 damage on stage 6 (and the Wainriders will win) or take an immediate attack. choose attack.

Guardian #2 defends for 4. (Shadow is Veteran Wainrider. No effect.)

Threat 15 vs 27 WP. Made 12 progress on stage 6.

Racing test. Guardian of Esgaroth #1 attempts to pass with 6 attack. Draws 6 cards... first card was a turn, and got another turn. passed. And won the race with the Wainrider Champion hot on my heals.. nexk and neck.

Phew.. well I started the game at 10pm and it's now 2am.

I'm so glad I beat it.

Yep this deck has massive issues and that came out early when all I was pulling was spirit cards with only 1 spirit hero. My multiples of unique attachments also hurt my card draw.

6 games/attempts to beat this quest.

Congrats! A well earned victory. And a satisfying conclusion.

So without spoiling too much (i havent read the reports, just looked at the decks tried), would a dedicated fellowship contract deck (player 1) comboed with a dale deck (player 2) work here?

39 minutes ago, player3351457 said:

So without spoiling too much (i havent read the reports, just looked at the decks tried), would a dedicated fellowship contract deck (player 1) comboed with a dale deck (player 2) work here?

As long as you get to hang on how to handle the Racing Tests and the timing of the race in general you should not have much difficulties. I might recommend some Rhovanion Outrider for the Dale deck to better handle the locations in the staging area; some Valiant Determination/Wild Stallion Guardian of Esgaroth might also work wonders in this quest.

Edited by Alonewolf87