This is going to be a weird thread.
Being an X-Wing player, and owner of a bit of much-loved Armada, I’ve been eyeballing Legion for quite some time now. I am really in the fence whether as to take the plunge and buy a core set, for X reasons:
1) It looks pretty fun. Unique in the systems that it combines, and a war game, which I really enjoy.
2) It looks fairly expensive. When I first started playing X-Wing, I looked at the low single ship prices and thought “oh, that’s not too bad”. It actually wasn’t, because I really dislike flying swarms, but Legion looks more expensive per unit + more units needed to field a merely competent army = overall higher costs. I don’t know if I’m willing to do that.
3) I suck at painting, and I don’t want to pay double the cost of what I bought my unit for to have them all painted. That’s reasonable, right? Having none of the tools I need for painting, I don’t know... A possible solution is to coat them all in a single-colored primer so they’re somewhat thematic and not awful (i.e white for stormtroopers, brown for rebel troopers, black for Vader, etc).
4) There’s not really a Legion scene at a gaming store near me, so play would be relegated to my two friends that also like miniatures/strategy games (although I’m fairly sure that they wouldn’t buy anything, we each have our own niche games that we own and the others play with)
5) I already sort of have a trooper war game to play? My friend owns a large amount of 40k models, so we play that occasionally. I’m not very good at it though, because I can’t practice, and that means it’s fun to play, but a bit futile.
Despite all of this, Legion has been nagging me for a long time.
Why do you guys play it? What makes it special or unique for you, and what has made you stay with it and not move onto another wargame?