Unleash the Kraken!

By CanadianPittbull, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Although I have stated before that I am a little disappointed in the size of him. I was able to incorporate a bit of turbulent waters to hopefully give the feel that there is more to this critter just under the surface. This actually helped to increase his size on the board. Hope others will post their Kraken pictures in this thread as well to give folks some inspiration when they come to paint this critter of the briny deep!

Unleash The Kraken!

Whoahhhhh u painted! Pls teach me how to paint so well!!! Where do u live? Can I pay u to paint for me?

I'm in Canada not sure where you are. But it might be cheaper (and more rewarding) to paint them yourself as Descent has a lot of pieces. That could cost you a small fortune.

What did you use to make the water?

edroz said:

What did you use to make the water?

I used a Elmers white glue + Baking soda mix and a bit of water to help get the right consistency you don't want it too thick (at the beginning but when adding layers as it thickens up works) or too thin (runny). It was a better and cheaper way to go than using a lot of green stuff and it was on hand. I also feel it lends itself better to a turbulent wave look than what green stuff would. Folks also use this technique (as do I) for snow. Then I put a bit of blue in it to see how the waves would sit since straight white can hide it a bit.

Dude, excellent work man as always.


amazing Work ;D did you make some other figures too?

@ Remy: Thanks! I was hoping it would turn out and give the little guy a sporting chance. :P

@ Qion: If by "make" you mean paint. Yes I am currently working on Sweetheart and the Siren. I still have pieces from the Road to Legend Lt line to finish.

So anyone else get this fig yet or what? Post some pics of your painted critter!

If you could paint up some rules for it that was 1/10th as good as that paint job, that would be awesome.

CanadianPittbull said:

So anyone else get this fig yet or what? Post some pics of your painted critter!

I have the first wave of SoB Lt figs but it will be a bit before I can paint them. A new job, year end school stuff and other kids activities are just eating my time these days.

Fizz said:

If you could paint up some rules for it that was 1/10th as good as that paint job, that would be awesome.

I believe there was a set of house rules around here that were actually rather decent for the Kraken? If anything they were a nice start.

Wanderer999 said:

Whoahhhhh u painted! Pls teach me how to paint so well!!! Where do u live? Can I pay u to paint for me?

Take it easy kiddo. =P

Your first paint jobs weren't half bad either, I think you'll find it won't take you that long to get up to this level (okay , the basing part might be a bit trickier, but the actual painting part, I mean.)

As Steve-O has said you will get there soon enough. Heck there are folks out there far better at it than I am. But again I have gone for a quicker style when it comes to painting my board game pieces. Here is another pic that gets up close and personal.


All you need now is a certain Hobbit with a ring in the heroes team.