KeyForge AMA

By FFGEvan, in KeyForge

Also, a rules question (I did submit it to the kfrules email but since it’s AMA, might as well ask here too):

I’m still unclear on the exact timing of action cards hitting the discard pile, most specifically in regards to what “after resolving” means when triggering other cards abilities.

Here’s an hypothetical convoluted example for funsies (currently impossible unless a Legacy Maverick Inspiration is a thing, but will become possible with Mass Mutation):

I play Wild Wormhole, revealing and playing Inspiration, making me use my Wormhole Technician to reap, revealing and playing another Wild Wormhole, revealing and playing Z.Y.X Researcher. What is the top card of my discard pile at that point? The second WW, Inspiration, the first WW or none of them? In what order do these three actions hit the discard pile?

Thanks 😁

I see there have been specific questions about new houses, and Mars, but I wanted to ask more generally:

What is the plan for house distribution in upcoming sets?

Will the rotations continue to be one house at a time?

Is making all house combinations possible a priority(ie currently there are combinations of houses that haven't shown up in a set because the houses have not all been in the same set together, eg Mars and Star Alliance)?

I am interested in any insight you can provide into the thought process behind this decision.

Will the Json that represents a Mass Mutation deck show which cards are enhanced in the API?

Have you considered allowing 3rd parties to authenticate decks via the API

Is there a plan for including more organized play data on a per deck basis? For example it would be great if there was a OP history like the aember shards transaction history that show at what events wins and losses were recorded.

Related to the last one it would be awesome if the chainbound leaderboards had a view that that showed how each player earned their shards for the month. There is a lot of interesting data being collected what priority has been assigned to features that allow players access to this data?

What is the status of the new organized play website Alex has eluded to being in the works?

Is it possible to get a road map of feature for the master vault before it is considered out of Beta?

Alex gave the community a lot of information about some of the most recent vault tours does Josh and/or the current op keyforge team plan on continuing to release this data?


There's been a debate on how much amber you will get from Tolas. People's answer is either 1 or 2.

2 - because Automata and Weasand dies to Positron Bolt before Tolas leaves play.
1 - because Weasand only dies to Positron Bolt before Tolas leaves play. Automata is detroyed but doesn't leave play. Therefore, not gaining you an amber.

Edited by Gorebelly

1. Is the Vault Warrior series still going to happen this year or next?

2. Are there any plans or even ambitions for an official way to play KeyForge online?

3. Is Richard Garfield still involved with design?

4. What are your favorite cards released so far?

What's your favorite new card from Mass Mutation?

@FFGEvan for the unanswered questions in this thread, as well as the leftovers from the Twitch chat, will they be addressed here? Should the outstanding questions be emailed? Will there be an Answer Me Everything session at a later date?