Following his colleagues in an attempt to sneak Foggy thought back to basic training. Find an object that can cover you move to it when they move. The Twi'lek saw a rocky outcrop that would cover him and attempted a dash to it. So focused on his target he failed to see the upturned root and his foot snagged on it before he fell and tumbled to his spot. Nothing hurt other than pride...
Artifacts Unbound - High Republic - IC
Thorkan is wearing his trademark * nabooian water rider * shirt which this time featured rather odd pink birds.. against a blue background with yellow dunes
he smacks his hand against his face as he hears the marshal “ oh for the infinite’s sake.. “
Walking up behind Foggy, Savah breaks cover herself in an attempt to help her companion back to his feet. " Oh snap! " she thinks. " I was trying to go unnoticed. " Great realization when you're out in the open, between some bushes and a couple of rocks, in plain sight then and there. Her willingness to aid others had, yet again, gotten the better of her. Time to think quick, and act fast, as some of the people down there, including the cook, had more attention for Savah and her companions, than for anything else at that moment.
" Foggy. Get up and get moving! " Savah says, her own split second thinking just slightly hindered by her attention for the twi'lek on the floor.
The Cook turns around and replies to Astrid, "Monkey Brains. Although popular in Coruscant cuisine, are not often to be found in this part of the galaxy." The Cook grins. The cook has a great resemblance to Tim Curry from the movie Clue. The grin the Cook throws towards Astrid is very "Evil Tim Curry-Esque."
1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
Although slower to respond then the others, the "Cooking Shack" the cook finds himself in closes with automatic reinforced barriers making if difficult for any blaster bolt to penetrate the armor and it will take time for any lightsaber to cut through it. Who knows what schemes the Cook will "Cook up" within the reinforced shack.
The minion groups consist of a mixture of Quarren and Humans. They are a combination between Zirkon's corrupted students and members of the Ciggo servant line. They are each armed with blaster pistols. Each is also armed with a frag grenade. Nine of the minions surround the "Cooking shack" with blasters in hand.
Initiative Outside Base
1 success, 2 advantage
Armed with a large spear, Grys the large red Nikto twirls the weapon with great skill beckoning for Prok Espio to engage him. The Nikto orders the minions surrounding him to assist with the Jedi on the North Side.
Initiative Outside Base
1 success, 3 advantage
“You are brave or foolish, to stand between me and my next meal.” Frakkin’ monkey brains..?
Astrid ignites her shoto as she closes the distance to the guards. The shimmering white blade springs to life, nearly translucent, as she lays into Zirkon’s tomb raiders.
Hoping a quick show of force can intimidate the rest into surrender, she slips past the lead Quarren’s guard and runs him straight through. Before he hits the ground, she is lunging at the next.
( Lightsaber @minions : 1eA+2eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
2 Maneuvers to Engage; 1 Advantage to recover 1 Strain; Attack delivers 8 Wounds (Breach 1).
Added dmg
As Atrid moves forward and engages the foes, so does Savah. She runs past Astrid, shouting: " Kowakian monkey-lizard brains! But I wouldn't eat them, they are at least semi-sentient! " She ignites her lightsaber and dashes along into a group of three of the encampment thugs. The first, she slashes at throat height with her keen lightsaber blade, and Savah gracefully, and competently, slahes a wide 'X' in front of her body, aimed at the other two thugs she had initiated melee combat with.
Edited by XcapoblVigdis, taking advantage of the distractions provided by the rest of her team, used a northern approach to slip quietly into the outlaws' base. Her goal was the northernmost locked door, her intent to hack it.
I hope that this is where the prisoners are ...
Espio mentally shrugged and changed his weapon of choice, whipping the bola carbine off his back. It didn't have a stun setting, but he needed to end this quickly. He aimed carefully at the charging Nikto and fired a single bolt. It caught the Nikto in the hip, and while it didn't look like it did much at all past the armor, the energy net wrapped around the Nikto's legs, restraining his movements. As the Nikto began struggling against the net, Espio smiled grimly in satisfaction as he began priming another charge, hoping to slow the Nikto down as much as possible.
Vigdis took advantage of both cover and the distractions provided by her team mates, and made her way to the northernmost door on the big building.
A retina scanner lock looks like a promising place to start ...
She quickly took out her personalised tool kit and started to pick the lock. Oooh, aren't you a tricky one! Let's see if you can be persuaded ... Sithspit!
An unexpected electrical surge had Vigdis jerking away from the recalcitrant lock. She shook out her fingers. Ouch. That wasn't very nice of you. Let's try this again, hmmm?
Not liking these odds, lets make it a bit better. Fog takes his overpriced blaster and from his position takes his aim at the enemy groups and shoots. The blast goes wide and no doubt he has let his colleagues down. Welp, this isn't good. I should stick to doctoring...
Grys the Nikto growled when Prok Espio was able to 'bolo' him. Despite having above average strength, Grys was unable to break through the netting. The shot had been to precise. Grys wriggled and pulled and was able to snap some of the netting as there were a few snaps and breaks.
Athletics check to break Bolo
1 failure, 2 advantage
(Failure on the Athletics check. He will try again next round with boosts)
Thorkan annoyed by the scene decided to do things differently.. ‘hmm how does the marshal fire in that fancy way again’ he thinks
“Oi Wampa fodder you all seem very angry did something good happen? ”
He says as he levels and fires the blaster that was little more than a reminder of his failure
“Oh I hit something, Marshal your fancy gun waving stuff seemed to work”
Thorkan chuckles