All Upcoming Releases Postponed

By maniakmedic, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

We knew that April was a wash for new releases, but there wasn't any indication whether or not it would push the entire schedule. Well, we now have confirmation :


Due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19, shelter-in-place orders, and the closure of non-essential businesses in many states, we have made the difficult decision to postpone all new releases in the United States, effective immediately through the end of April 2020.

This will have a cascading effect, moving all announced products back at least one month. We are currently reevaluating our release schedule, and we’ll be posting updates and adjusting the Upcoming page as we know more.

This means a whole extra month of waiting for Dr. Strange. Gaaaaah! (But I understand why.)

All of the Dr Strange cards have been spoiled. Check out the Marvel Champions Discord.

I know. But I want to play Dr. Strange.