By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion



.......IS BACK!

After several months of pouring our heart and soul into getting UFS back, IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED! The Universal Fighting System CCG is alive once again! As of today, our negotiations with Fantasy Flight Games over the purchase of the UFS license are now finished. Jasco Games has now officially gained control of this amazing game that we have all come to love. We hope that this announcement is as exciting to you as it is to us, as we cannot begin to describe how eager we are to share with you our passion and ideas for the future of UFS.

As a token of our appreciation for all of your continued dedication and support:

· We want the player base to know that the UFS community is as important to us as the game itself. We personally welcome you to call and discuss the future of UFS with us. We would be more than happy to answer any questions and/or concerns you may have. We encourage you to share your ideas and feedback with us. Listed below is contact information for Jason Hawronsky, president and owner of Jasco Games and the UFS license.

· We are treating our player base with a limited time offer that takes effect June 14th - August 1st. Each of you who purchase a total combination of 2 boxes (boosters and/or starters) of: (a) Soulcalibur IV: Tower of Souls, (b) Soulcalibur IV: Quest of Souls, © ShadoWar, and (d) Tekken VI will receive a FREE booster box of the upcoming UFS expansion; first produced expansion by Jasco Games! This offer is limited to one purchase per player. Availability of this offer will only be through Jasco Games.

· Tell your retail stores to contact us for a special onetime start-up promotion kit to kick off the UFS excitement again!

There is so much to look forward to in the near future, not only for the players, but for us. Get excited and get ready, because UFS is coming back stronger than ever!

Jason Hawronsky


Jasco Games

Phone: 806-252-3404

E-Mail: jascocollectables@yahoo.com

Website: www.jascogames.com

All that's left is for the website to be up and running?

Its still under construction.

It will be up on June 2nd!!!!

We had to wait for copyright issues to be settled, and the memorial day weekend to end.

See you soon on the new site (jascogames.com)

Any update on who the new designer will be for this new Jasco produced sets?

awesome! so does that mean every card in the most recent block is gonna be legal?

also, does this mean licenses are still gonna be around? or from now on, everything

is going to be original art and stuff?

jascogames.com is up! go there now!

There will still be new licenses to add to the game, and original licenses as well. All current 5 point shuriken cards are Standard legal, and all other cards now have supported formats.

GenCon updates and UFS worlds information are now up on the jascogames.com news page.

Glad I checked back. Are you serving stores in Canada?