Tragedy of the IG Brothers (list)

By theBitterFig, in X-Wing Epic Play

Trajectory Simulator got cheaper. I've always been fascinated with using it on IG-88s, and maybe also pairing with Captain Nym. Only one IG will fit in a standard list... in Epic... you can bring them all . Toss in a Smashmouth Smuggler, plus how about a small wing with Serissu.

  • IG-88 A (Heavy Laser Cannon, Jamming Beam, Trajectory Simulator, Proton Bombs, IG-2000) 84
    • Jamming Beam is godlike against a Huge ship. Heavy Laser Cannon is pretty easy to accomplish against them, too.
    • Bombs vs Wings seems like it just might work out well.
  • IG-88 B (Heavy Laser Cannon, Jamming Beam, Trajectory Simulator, Proton Bombs, IG-2000) 80
  • IG-88 C (Heavy Laser Cannon, Jamming Beam, Trajectory Simulator, Proton Bombs, IG-2000) 81
  • Captain Nym (Dorsal Turret, Havoc, Trajectory Simulator, Proton Bombs) 64
  • Serissu (Jamming Beam, Veteran Wing Leader) 43
    • Cartel Spacer (Heavy Laser Cannon) 30
    • Cartel Spacer (Heavy Laser Cannon) 30
  • Syndicate Smuggler (IG-88 D, Boba Fett, Point Defense Battery, Damage Control Team, Tibanna Reserves, Deadman Switch, Proton Bombs) 87
    • Use Boba to deploy *WAY* forward, and Dakka Dakka. This thing is meant to be disposable, don't be afraid for it to die.
    • Be a bit mindful of energy consumption. You won't be able to go full bore every round, and having a full set of attacks against a range-1 jammed Huge ship is amazing if you can pull it off. Doing only 3 attacks one round, to enable you to do 4 attacks the next, might be useful.
    • I'd love to squeeze in Stalwart Captain using Broken Horn, but seems awkward.
      • Cut Option #1: Cut Proton Bombs off of this, cut Deadman Switch, cut Dorsal Turret on Nym.
      • Cut Option #2: Cut Proton Bombs off of this, cut Heavy Laser Cannons on the Scyks for Autoblasters.

Anyhow, this list is ALL THE FLACKING BOMBS! ALL OF THEM! Someone is flying a wing of TIEs against you? Eat four crits. No doubt easier to say here on the forum, than to accomplish in game, but still.

Context on the Smashmouth Smuggler:

You're right that Jamming Beam is great in epic. Stripping a reinforce on a huge ship is pivotal for getting more damage in. Serissu has been my best use of that. For her two wingmates, I found HLC was just okay, as I'd often get into range 1. I'd use Autoblaster however, as out of arc shots are common and bullseye often puts you up to three dice. If you run a full Serissu wing, however, I recommend the back row to have HLC. Serissu jams first, HLC strips shields second, Autoblaster put crits in last.

Also, I love the Syndicate Smuggler, as I use mine as a battering ram similar to yours. I run it with just Boba, Damage Control Team, and Deadman's Switch. I use it to ram wings and huge ships, and the Deadman's Switch range is flipping huge. If someone wants to destroy it, they are near guaranteed to be hurt back all for a small portion of the points in my list.

I'd love to get those IGs on the boards, too. Basically, I'm saying "I love it".

On 3/26/2020 at 2:27 PM, theBitterFig said:

Anyhow, this list is ALL THE FLACKING BOMBS! ALL OF THEM! Someone is flying a wing of TIEs against you? Eat four crits. No doubt easier to say here on the forum, than to accomplish in game, but still.

The list also has a chance of eating the really strong Soontir+Ini1-Interceptor-scrubs-Wing for breakfast.