Rebel MC30C frigate restock?

By Cairnius, in Star Wars: Armada

I just got into Armada last year and am working my way back through old minis. I found a Gladiator - wasn't easy but I got one - but *no one* has the MC30C in stock (I went through all 13 pages of a Google search and came up with "out of stocks" from any stores I could buy from).

Does FFG reprint old/early wave models or am I stuck paying $100 on Amazon if I want an MC30C?

They do.

But who knows how long that will take, especially with corona virus probably sitting down FFG's production factories 🙁

My LGS takes pre-orders for restocks, I put in for 2 MC30c's if/when they come back in stock. Your next best bet would be checking sell/swap groups on Reddit or Facebook to try and find one.

I honestly wish they'd sell upgrade card packs. Most Rebel fleets run Ordnance Experts and/or Turbolaser Reroute Circuits, and the MC30c is the only pack that has them (though I think the equally-rare Raider also has OE), so even when its in stock it gets bought up and resold at much higher prices.

On 3/25/2020 at 2:46 PM, Cairnius said:

I just got into Armada last year and am working my way back through old minis. I found a Gladiator - wasn't easy but I got one - but *no one* has the MC30C in stock (I went through all 13 pages of a Google search and came up with "out of stocks" from any stores I could buy from).

Does FFG reprint old/early wave models or am I stuck paying $100 on Amazon if I want an MC30C?

I bought one off a shelf at a game store not long ago. I think they’re around.

My advice would be to look at the web stores of local retailers in mid-sized cities, or call them, and see if they can ship to you. Might take some digging. And it may need to wait until the quarantine ends.

Also look in the second hand groups on Facebook. Much better prices than eg Ebay.

If you are rich and can afford disinfectant right now, a second hand collection is probably the best way to get into the game.