Heroes in the real world

By Watercolour Dragon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

These are challenging times for us all as we fight a very real threat of a pandemic that is sweeping the globe- many of us cut off from friends including in the gaming community, although co op games like Descent through the app could be played through the social distancing medium that we call the web, something I may look into, but not the main reason for this post. My country as with many other places is in what many are describing as a sort of lockdown with many non-essential activities on pause and a fear of what current events will mean for the future as things progress.

I'm posting this as I've just re-watched the short video trailer for Descent which ends with some apt words for these times which I felt were worth sharing and which inspired this post:


Even within the bounds of staying safe ourselves most of us will be able to do something, however small, to help someone or some aspect of the current situation.

Our communities need that more than ever now, so whatever it is, within those confines of keeping yourself and your loved ones and wider communities safe, if you can, do that little something to help as collectively all those small actions and kindnesses will make a huge difference. And if you're in an area asked to exercise social distancing please follow the advice given- it will slow the onslaught and could buy vital time that will at least limit the risk of systems becoming overwhelmed or reduce that to the least serious it can be. Every break in the chain of potential for infection is a firebreak that will save lives. It also further protects, and reduces the risks for, those like myself who still need to be able to go to work to provide key services, universe willing.

Thinking of you all and wishing you the best, real heroes are sometimes ordinary folk who face that which seems impossible and any arising fears together as friends.