Just picked this up for the quarantine: what mode?

By ScummyRebel, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I just picked up the game for primarily solo gameplay during our lockdown (nobody at home plays much in the way of board games). I’m actually really looking forward to having a way to unwind even though I’m stuck alone.

My question is what game mode: adventure or normal? Adventure says “explore all of middle earth” and normal seems to be, well, the default level. As someone who hasn’t played through any of the game yet, how “easy” or challenging is adventure mode compared to normal? Is it worth doing for the full experience, or just be happy with normal?

Even if solo you'll need to play as two characters.

If you want to be casual about it and remove the stress from agency, Adventure mode lets you travel around the map without much worry of completing the scenario efficiently. It gives free inspiration which you can spend on tests and does not increase threat for unexplored locations or for each hero at the end of the players turn. The scenario events progresses a lot slower because of this so you can be much more prepared when enemies show up instead of trying to explore, attack, search, and move into places without passing things up.

Normal mode can be quite challenging at times. You may find yourself choosing between risking the success of a campaign for a search token hoping it will give more points to upgrade items. I find it rewarding overall but sometimes, just like the LoTR LCG can suddenly turn an ugly head and slap you or your team down unexpected.

I would start normal and after that move to Adventure or Hard mode if needed. Depend on how experienced you are in optimization in card games. aka how competitive you normally are card games. For experienced Magic, Vampire players... normal or hard.

22 hours ago, Hannibal_pjv said:

I would start normal and after that move to Adventure or Hard mode if needed. Depend on how experienced you are in optimization in card games. aka how competitive you normally are card games. For experienced Magic, Vampire players... normal or hard.

Close to zero experience with deck building, some experience “list” building (xwing, legion).

I tried mission 1 on normal with Aragorn and Legolas, doing the recommended default equipment. Barely finished the mission, though I suspect part of that is the learning curve of how much exploration/how conservative/thorough you can be with moving around and getting tasks done.

We’ll see how chapter 2 goes.

Doing first scenario barely in first play turn, is not bad at all. The second is harder. After that you most propably Are ready to see where it goes. For me the first two scenarios did teach the basics what is needed to go through the campaign.
Little by Little you will lear what skills Are most likely needed in each test. That was hardest in the Beginning, after learning what test were essential and what not.

6 hours ago, ScummyRebel said:

Close to zero experience with deck building, some experience “list” building (xwing, legion).

I tried mission 1 on normal with Aragorn and Legolas, doing the recommended default equipment. Barely finished the mission, though I suspect part of that is the learning curve of how much exploration/how conservative/thorough you can be with moving around and getting tasks done.

We’ll see how chapter 2 goes.

Mission 1 is a hard mission and I'm surprised it is the first mission. Congrats

Deck building experience is not necessary. Just understanding when you prepare a card that is a success, you are hurting your possibility of drawing a success. The groups I've been in always go for the #11 and/or #12 skill cards before taking other cards so they can have more successes for tests without saturating with fate and fate-less cards.