Starhawk Exceeds Expectations in Local Tournament

By CommanderDave, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

My son took a Starhawk to a local 3 round tournament. He won by some margin, with Wins of 9-2, 9-2 and 10-1.

I’ve just played him, using Imperials (Kuat, Screed, Demo, Insidious and 2xcomms net Gozanti). Got my backside handed to me 9-2!

9 hours ago, RedDogReb said:

My son took a Starhawk to a local 3 round tournament. He won by some margin, with Wins of 9-2, 9-2 and 10-1.

I’ve just played him, using Imperials (Kuat, Screed, Demo, Insidious and 2xcomms net Gozanti). Got my backside handed to me 9-2!

Yeah, the Starhawk can eat the Kuat for breakfast in a head-on match. Salvo is brutal against Gladiators as well. The Starhawk can definitely do well, but as people get to know what it’s capable of they’ll be less inclined to close with it unless they have a reasonable chance of getting the kill.

@CommanderDave yeah it’s a tough ship for sure, his build gave it double salvo, double brace, double redirect. (One or two of those he could change depending on oppo).

Just need to work out how to beat it. Long range tickle damage? Not sure enough would go through. Sloane squadrons? He has a good squadron ball to tie them up.

I've managed to Kill a Starhawk using a MSU fleet, but I lost the engagement... Both the Onager fleets and Starhawk fleets that I've faced are seemingly overpowered...

2 hours ago, RedDogReb said:

@CommanderDave yeah it’s a tough ship for sure, his build gave it double salvo, double brace, double redirect. (One or two of those he could change depending on oppo).

Just need to work out how to beat it. Long range tickle damage? Not sure enough would go through. Sloane squadrons? He has a good squadron ball to tie them up.

I’ve managed to take down less tanky Starhawks with a variety of Onager lists, but the Walex/EST variant is a tough one. I did bring down a similar list last week with Paragon & Admonition backed by full squads:

Burst damage from numerous sources seems to be the key. Cham Syndulla was a huge help to block the continuous repairs.

9 hours ago, RedDogReb said:

@CommanderDave yeah it’s a tough ship for sure, his build gave it double salvo, double brace, double redirect. (One or two of those he could change depending on oppo).

Just need to work out how to beat it. Long range tickle damage? Not sure enough would go through. Sloane squadrons? He has a good squadron ball to tie them up.

Heavy Turbolaser turrets on your big ship deny your opponent use of the salvo if they want to redirect.