Artifact and upgrades

By big rocks, in KeyForge

Card: Hologrammophone (artifact, team logos)

Action: Ward a creature


Card: Cloaking Dongle (upgrade, team star alliance)

This creature and each of its neighbours gains elusive.


After I name a house in step 2 (team logos) can my artifact (using above artifact) target a friendly creature in play other than my named house creature? Also, can it target an enemy creature if desired?

After I name a house in step 2 (team star alliance) can my upgrade above be played to any friendly creature or does it need to be played to my star alliance creature only?


Hologrammophone can ward any creature in play. If the creature is already warded there will be no effect though.

Upgrades can be attached to any creature in play. If there is another effect or rules on the upgrade itself, then you have to follow those rules instead.