I was interested in making this kind of fleet and came up with this.
Avenger Sloane Author: mj10982 Faction: Empire Commander: Admiral Sloane Assault Objective: Advanced Gunnery Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon Navigation Objective: Superior Positions Quasar Fire I-Class Cruiser-Carrier (54) - Stronghold (5) - Boosted Comms (4) - Expanded Hangar Bay (5) - Captain Brunson (5) - Flight Controllers (6) = 79 points [flagship] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (120) - Admiral Sloane (24) - Avenger (5) - SW-7 Ion Batteries (5) - Director Krennic (8) - Spinal Armament (9) - Gunnery Chief Varnillian (6) = 177 points Gozanti-Class Cruisers (23) - Suppressor (4) - Electronic Countermeasures (7) - Slicer Tools (7) - Expanded Hangar Bay (5) - Minister Tua (2) = 48 points 1 Howlrunner (16) 1 "Mauler" Mithel (15) 5 TIE Fighter Squadron (8) 1 Dengar (20) = 91 points