Well, first post ever.
Anyway, I'm currently helping a friend of mine to develop some houserules to allow players to play male sororitas. Sounds wierd I know, but we don't realy like to tell our players what they can and can't play.
We currently have this idea of calling the male sororitas "Frateris Brothers" (With Frateris Templar, Frateris Medicae and Frateris Ambasador as replacements for Militant, Hospitalier and Dialogus), named after the original armed forces of the Ecclisiarchy. But as they got disbanded in the lore and replaced by the Adepta Sororitas, we are still trying to come up with something diferent.
Essentaily, what we want is a new name for male sororitas, anyone has any ideas, or perhaps even an own set of ruels?