IA Conditions and Wounded

By murderburger, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi everone,

does my hero looses his Condition like "stunned" or "focussed" in the moment he gets wounded? Or do I loose only damage tokens and strains exceeding my endurance?

Thank you in Advance!

The "wounded" section of the RRG doesn't mention conditions, so they should not be discarded.

Do exactly what the Defeated section says. Heroes being defeated the first time - flip the hero sheet, remove all damage tokens and excess strain tokens. The end.

Hero being defeated a second time - withdrawn, unless mission rules specify otherwise.

But what happens if my hero gets withdrawn but the campaign tells me that my hero still can walk like in mission "tractor beam".

Does the hero looses his equipment cards that have f.e. effects that let other hero benefit from?


Some mission rules refer to a figure being incapacitated, most often when a figure is defeated. Instead of being
removed from the map, the figure remains on the map and gains a number of restrictions.
* The figure remains under the control of the same player.
* The figure does not restrict movement or block line of sight. Other figures cannot end their movement in a
space containing an incapacitated figure.
* When a figure is incapacitated, it discards all conditions, and conditions cannot be applied to that figure.
* The figure cannot suffer dmg (damage) or be targeted or affected by attacks, abilities, or any game effect
except as specified by the mission's rules. The abilities of the figure are no longer available.

* The figure can still be pushed by a massive figure ending its movement in the incapacitated figure's space.

The mission rules then usually say that the incapacitated hero can during their activation only perform one action that can only be a move. The hero can then spend the movement points to move and for nothing else.

I don't off-hand remember any mission that would allow the incapacitated hero to perform anything else.

The items, class cards, and supply cards the hero has on their play area are ignored. The abilities on their hero sheet are also ignored.


Edited by a1bert

thank you very much!