My nightmare of a Nightmare Campaign continues. Specifically, in Journey to the Crossroads, I'm being attacked by a Haradrim Archer, who has two shadows cards - Southron Rearguard ( Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area ) and Ware! Ware! ( Shadow: Choose an enemy in the staging area. Engage that enemy and deal it a shadow card ). There are currently no enemies in the staging area.
So, do I have the choice about which shadow to resolve first, as Ware! Ware! doesn't change the game state if picked first? And if I return the Archer to the staging area, then immediately re-engage him (apart from the annoying damage he does on engagement), what do I do about the extra shadow card - reveal it or not, as this is all mid-attack? I'm assuming the Archer still only gets the one attack, but you may disagree...
(Nightmare Campaigbn is bad enough on my morale, without pummelling my brain too!)