Hey, I am making a custom expansion with my friends for my playgroup since we have already played all the campaigns (and we loved them so much that we want more content) and board game design is one of our hobbies.
We (me and 2 of my buddies) agreed to make a small box expansion, and gift it for rest of our playgroup as a birthday gift. Obiviously we will be playtesting everything as excessively as 3 people can, but we would really apprechiate the insight of people on this forum as well when it comes to balance (and wording). Thanks in advance for anyone helping out!
Deraion Hart - Misguided Sentinel
Active: Exterminate - 1 Action, 2 Strain => Perform 2 attacks with 2 different melee weapons (They may target different units). Then you become Stunned.
Passive: Sadism - Whenever an enemy figure is defeated within 2 Spaces of you, you recover one Strain
: 12 HP, 4 Endurance, 5 Speed, White Defense die.
: Strenght: Green, Blue; Insight: Green, Green, Blue; Tech: Green, Green, Blue
Wounded: Lose Sadism. 12 HP, 3 Endurance, 3 Speed, White Defense Die, Attributes: Strenght: Green, Yellow; Insight: Red, Green, Blue; Tech: Green, Red, Red
1XP - Force Choke : 2 Strain => Apply Stunned, Bleeding and Weakened to an enemy figure
1XP - Shadowstalk : After attacking, you may spend 2 Strain to become Hidden
When attacking, if you are Hidden apply +1 Damage to your attack.
2XP - Bladesurge : Action, 2 Strain => Gain 4 Movement Points, you may attack with a melee weapon. Apply 1 extra White Defense die to the targets Defense pool for this attack.
2XP - Personal Shield Generator : - Gear, Accesory
Exhaust this while defending to gain +2 Armor
3XP - Resurgence : Recover 2 Strain each time an allied hero becomes Wounded or Defeated. If you would become Wounded you may instead deplete this card to cancel the attack targeting you and recover 3 Health, then become Stunned.
3XP - Tactical Armor: - Gear, Armor
+1 Speed, Start each Combat Hidden. Surge Cancel results from your defensive rolls also count as Armor results.
Exhaust this to become Hidden
4XP - Energized Lightsaber : - Weapon, Melee, Lightsaber
Attack Pool: Red, Blue, Yellow
Surge: +1 Damage, 2Surge: Focus, Surge: +1 Surge Token
If Energized Lightsaber and Malfunctioning Lightsaber (Deraion’s starting weapon) or Augmented Lightsaber (Deraions Reward) are both used for Exterminate, you no longer become Stunned when using Exterminate.
4XP: And the Force Shall Free Me:
Apply +2 Endurance to your hero.
While attacking or defending, you may reroll any number of die (once per attack or defense)
Starting Weapon: Malfunctioning Lightsaber
Attack Pool: Yellow, Yellow
Surge: +1 Damage, Surge: +1 Damage Token, Surge: Pierce
Reward: Augmented Lightsaber
Pierce 1, Cleave 2
Attack Pool: Yellow, Yellow, Red
Surge: +1 Damage, Surge: +1 Damage Token, Surge: Pierce