Phase 1 clone captain

By 187th, in Army Building

Hi all, just starting out with Legion and the Galactic Republic, a question regarding the Phase 1 clone upgrade kit, it says it comes with a clone captain,

Does this mean that the clone captain is a stand alone model with his own rules and is a commander, or does he belong inside of a unit?

If it's anything like the rebel officer then you can choose how you'd want to run it, so it's either run him as a commander or run hum as the squad leader for a unit which increases that units courage value

Captain upgrade is like an additional Trooper or Specialist model.

He is an upgrade that you equip to a unit. The Rebel and Imperial Specialists pack did come with an Officer that could be used as an upgrade and also came with a unit card to play separately, but this is not the case for the Captains in the corps upgrade packs.