This is a scenario that happened in a session I GM'd. I have to explain the background to illustrate why this question would come up.
- worth mentioning, I planned the scenario for them to do some swashbuckling ... not flagrant ribaldry like the scoundrel women chose to do
- I also just made a judgement call to keep the adventure going, but I'd like to know the real answer
- the two women were tasked with a live capture of a foppish ISB agent at a social event
- I was broadsided when they decided to drug his drink with glitterstim, put on heavy charms, abscond with him to a nearby room and knock him out cold
- hilariously, their attempt to to just knock him out cold with a heavy object failed
- So, the one liplocked the bewildered target and the other shot the ISB agent in the back repeatedly with a stun-setting pistol
so, target is in physical skin contact with a distracting ally. Colleague shoots the target with the stun point blank range which hits without needing to roll.
Does this stun energy transfer to the distracting ally in the same way a taser's electricity would?