My list:
RZ-1 A-wing - •Arvel Crynyd - 37
•Arvel Crynyd -
Green Leader
Intimidation (3)
A/SF-01 B-wing - •Ten Numb - 53
•Ten Numb -
Blue Five
Autoblasters (3)
Jamming Beam (0)
Stabilized S-foils (Open) (2)
A/SF-01 B-wing - •Braylen Stramm - 57
•Braylen Stramm -
Blade Leader
Autoblasters (3)
Jamming Beam (0)
Stabilized S-foils (Open) (2)
A/SF-01 B-wing - •Gina Moonsong - 52
•Gina Moonsong -
Insubordinate Ace
Jamming Beam (0)
Stabilized S-foils (Open) (2)
Total: 199/200
Discussed here:
Battle reports:
- First battle rep here, sorry if this in not up to par, didn't take any pics.
- I have very little opportunities to play other competent players; my experience is mainly from Fly Casual and some kitchen table games with some friends who are not really into the game.
Game 1:
Enemy list: Koshka with veteran tail gunner, freelance slicer, Marauder title and fearless, Skull Fang with fearless, Ahaav and NdruShuku whatever they are named.
I botched this game. Deployed poorly to begin with. After quickly melting the Headhunter and the Mining Tie, (albeit with heavy shield loses) I made serious mistakes with my dials and the game went south from there. By the time ran out, I had lost Ten and Braylen and gave half points from Gina and Arvel. Bad loss, period. Lessons learned and applied to second game though (so win?
Game 2:
Enemy list: fully tooled Rey (Finn, Rose, another crew, title and more tools), Lulo Lampar with Heroic, Cova Nell with Leia, R4 and heroic and something else. This game was against the most experienced X-Wing player around here and the only one I know plays competitively in tournaments and such.
I did much better here. I deployed better: Arvel near right corner, Ten at a distance, then Braylen and Gina near the centre. Opponent deployed opposite corner, Rey and Lulo side by side at 45° and Cova deployed sideways, clearly meaning to keep her distance.Spelling