what extra rules/info are in what book

By Oldmike1, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

so there are 3 EoE books I don't have they are the books for Colonist, Explorer, and Hired Guns what info do these books have that are good to have on hand

I have all the Core books and the 6 FaD books I have the other 3 EoE books+(Hutts soon) and the Spy and Engineer books as well as strongholds and all of the Universal books

The Colonist book has useful rules for homesteads (instead of ships), ways to upgrade your homestead to produce income, etc. Honestly, while useful for some, I find that amount of bean-counting extremely boring. All it really means is they can make a living, have a home base and roof over their heads, and can buy "reasonable" things once in a while.

Colonist book also has good rules and info on how to use the social skills, and how to prevent your players from over-using things like Scathing Tirade. This is probably the most useful part of the book imho. Personally I got the most use out of this book compared to the other two.

Hired Guns has the Enforcer spec, probably my favourite spec in the system :) But other than adding some new guns with off-the-chart damage output, and the Burly talent (I think that's where it came in), it's not that interesting.

The Explorer book is probably the weakest of the three, I think I read through it once and shelved it.

the only thing I been told about the explorer book is that the chiss are in it I was wondering if it had stuff for sith tombs or something based on the trees

3 minutes ago, Oldmike1 said:

the only thing I been told about the explorer book is that the chiss are in it I was wondering if it had stuff for sith tombs or something based on the trees

The Chiss are in it. Think "human", but +1 Intellect and -1 Presence.

Otherwise, just skimming through it, no. The specs are okay, one is clearly "Indiana Jones". Other than that it's pretty generalized information about "exploration" campaigns.

46 minutes ago, Oldmike1 said:

the only thing I been told about the explorer book is that the chiss are in it I was wondering if it had stuff for sith tombs or something based on the trees

It was their first Specialization book and the weakest one,