Brief Recap of Team Event (Rebels)

By MasterShake2, in X-Wing Battle Reports

In the vein of Farmer's Fireballs, I'm calling this Blais' B-Wings:

Braylen Stramm (52)
Autoblasters (3)
Jamming Beam (0)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)

Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 4

Ten Numb (48)
Autoblasters (3)
Jamming Beam (0)
Stabilized S-Foils (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Gina Moonsong (50)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 50 Half Points: 25 Threshold: 4

Blue Squadron Escort (40)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 3

Total: 200

Other players on team were FO and Republic

Round 1:

Not much remarkable here, a Dooku + dudes CIS list. Opponent was less experienced and telegraphed the engagement, got the engagement I wanted and cleaned him up only losing points for Gina

Team all won for a 3-0 sweep with good MoV

Round 2:

More challenging list and opponent with Sinker Swarm. Started setting up the Pac Man i.e. double flank and rushed the X-Wing in for a block, but my opponent sped through it. This actually ended up being fatal because Braylen was able to barrel roll to only take 3 potential shots (ARC and 2 V-19's) The Arc did not survive the B-Wings and the V-19's rolled low for no damage while the X-Wing did the disrespect shot dealing 2 damage to a V-19. Super bad joust for him. Braylen is going to get blocked, so I have him turn in and Gina does a 1 hard to generate stress. Ten was far enough back to get a good roll + lock into sinker and the X-Wing just 4 Ked because the sinker swarm would naturally be blocked at this point and I just wanted position for him. He does a little over half of Braylen, but at the cost of Sinker. Did lose braylen and some half points, but the outcome wasn't in question at this point.

Team wins all matches again including a 200-0 for another great MoV round

Round 3:

This game was fascinating, opponent was running resistance Chewie, Page, Finn, Kaz, generic fireball. By turn 2 it was apparent that we were both trying double flanks with his Kaz and fireball swinging down to my deployment zone. I do see this coming and Braylen and Gina are able to barely tag Kaz at range 3 for 2 damage which is just enough for him not to get bonus dice vs. the X-Wing. I spot the generic fireball going in for a block and pull Braylen in for a roll + lock range 1 bullseye which solos the generic fireball. I turn the X-Wing hard in to threaten Kaz and send Braylen, Gina and Ten onto Chewie. Chewie easily drops to the B-Wings, at this point the pods are still way behind and barely taking R3 shots as I've definitely won the skirmishes way faster than my opponent likely anticipated. Kaz is being bullied around by the X-Wing as the B-Wings reset to meet the pods. Both pods die to single volleys fromt he B-Wings and Kaz is finally finished off. Only lost half points on Braylen. My opponent was way better than this scorecard indicates and I love his list.

Teams wins 2-1

Round 4:

Resistance beef this time, Bastian, Jess, generic T-70, Finn and Rose. I disregard my own plan for a greed shot on Bastian which should've worked out way better than it did (2x R1 and 3x R2 modded shots only netted 3 damage) The X-Wing was able to bat cleanup and do the last 4 damage, but I was out of position and took a shot I was not anticipating from Bastian which swung the math hard against me. Was also out of posiiton for next round, so 2 bad trades in a row. Still almost came back with Braylen soloing 3 ships and being 1 damage shy of half-points on Pava which would've been the win.

Fortunately, my teammates get their matches for another 2-1

Round 5:

Last round and we're at the top of the standings with MoV to spare. I get the Imperial anti-swarm for this one, Deathrain, 2 Inquisitors, 2 TIE Interceptors. My opponent tries to leave Deathrain behind to get some breathing room, but the X-Wing is willing to spend a turn messing around just to block and annoy him out of the fight. This leaves just the 2 Interceptors and Inquisitors to fight the B-Wings and it goes very poorly. He tries to go for obvious blocks, but obvious blocks are obvious and I dodge them and get range 1 locked bullseyes with the B-Wings. The only reason both Interceptors don't get initiative-killed is a triple nat evade by one of them, but they only do minor damage in return. The ensuing fight is hectic because the X-Wing keeps throwing blocks on the Inquisitors and Deathrain in range of the bombs and I have more HP to trade than they do. One of the Inquisitors gets lined up by Ten with a range 1 bullseye lock on the back and implodes. Deathrain sacrifices himself to trade for a damaged Braylen. The only interceptors green dice cool down and it dies and now the last Quiz is fighting 2 mostly healthy B-Wings and the X-Wing and eventually gets dropped without getting any more points.

Team gets another 2-1 for a pretty convincing overall finish

I really thought the bullseye double taps would be far rarer than they are, but they happen all the time and are absolutely lethal most of the time. The generic X-Wing gets so much value in this list just because it can go uncontested for long periods getting free modded attacks and is just a great blocker. Gina is super important to the list at least for the first few turns. Gina and the generic X-Wing and understanding their roles and what their positions need to be are pretty important to the list and giving Ten and Braylen the room to work.

Awesome read, txs for sharing.

How do you usually deploy?

On 2/27/2020 at 7:27 PM, LUZ_TAK said:

Awesome read, txs for sharing.

How do you usually deploy?

So, the list doesn't benefit at all from a formation, in fact kind of the opposite. The B-Wings need room to barrel roll both to set up roll + lock bullseyes and to shift into positions where they can keep 1 bank/straight and keep a good time on target. Since Gina is a pretty generous range of 0-2 you can keep the squadron super loose with no problems. In that respect, the deployment is very situational. I usually just look at the table, ask myself where I need to be and in what turns I need to be there to get all guns on target and deploy in whatever fashion gets me there (usually 2-3 points that I think we're most likely to fight based on the speed of both squads). The widespread access to barrel roll and boost on the X-Wing (and the fact that barrel rolling doesn't hurt the B-Wing's action economy) lets you do a lot of fine adjustments, so in practice the formation usually looks ridiculous just because I know I can easily adjust it.

Txs, been playing with the 3 named Bwings, but with Intimidation Arvel instead of the X-wing. Agreed on the loose setup and flying.

6 minutes ago, LUZ_TAK said:

Txs, been playing with the 3 named Bwings, but with Intimidation Arvel instead of the X-wing. Agreed on the loose setup and flying.

I tried Arvel, Jake and AP5 for that 4th ship, but the X-Wing puts in so much more work, that I just settled on the X-Wing. It easily throws up blocks, chucks 3-4 dice every turn and usually takes a minimum of 3-4 shots to bring down that aren't going on the B-Wings.

14 minutes ago, MasterShake2 said:

I tried Arvel, Jake and AP5 for that 4th ship, but the X-Wing puts in so much more work, that I just settled on the X-Wing. It easily throws up blocks, chucks 3-4 dice every turn and usually takes a minimum of 3-4 shots to bring down that aren't going on the B-Wings.

Come share your insights here:

I don't want to derail this thread, but I have a similar, less jousty list, which uses a gray squadron bomber with an ion cannon turret. Looking at your list, i think the GSB may do well in place of your Blue squadron escort. The grey is less effective of a blocker due to his dial, but in games I've played with him, he's usually treated the same as your BSE, ignored and left to his own devices. The GSB Y-wing has great time on target, and with bullseye-hungry B-wings, this could be used to set up lethal killboxes.