Salvo/Concentrate Fire interaction?

By Cpt ObVus, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I don’t have the rules in front of me. Can I use a ConFire token on a Salvo attack? Does it matter if I’ve already resolved a ConFire Command (token, dial, or token + dial) earlier in the turn? If I haven’t, and it’s legal to use a ConFire token for a reroll on a Salvo, can I do so, then (later in the turn) execute a Concentrate Fire command on my ship’s activation? I don’t recall seeing this rule anywhere.

You can only resolve a command once per round per RRG. So yes, you can use a confire token on a Salvo attack, provided you have not already resolved Con Fire that round, and you cannot resolve Confire again for the rest of that round.

Edited by Karneck

Thanks. Couldn’t remember if it was “per round” or “per activation.”

I have a feeling that’s going to lead to some memory issues and unintentional cheating. For example, if I’m playing an Onager and three Arqs, and you’re playing a Rebel MSU, I can imagine scenarios like, you activate first, shoot my Onager, I Salvo, and use my ConFire token. Eight activations later, I activate Onager and use a ConFire dial, barely killing your CR90. An hour later, one of us remembers that that was completely illegal...

The game isn't easy. A *lot* of things are Important.

2 hours ago, Cpt ObVus said:

Thanks. Couldn’t remember if it was “per round” or “per activation.”

I have a feeling that’s going to lead to some memory issues and unintentional cheating. For example, if I’m playing an Onager and three Arqs, and you’re playing a Rebel MSU, I can imagine scenarios like, you activate first, shoot my Onager, I Salvo, and use my ConFire token. Eight activations later, I activate Onager and use a ConFire dial, barely killing your CR90. An hour later, one of us remembers that that was completely illegal...

If it’s something you’re concerned about forgetting, take steps to help you remember. Do something to the order of if you spend a Con Fire token outside your activation, place the token on your command stack to remind you that you’ve already resolved that command.