3 best wings for each faction

By Gungo, in X-Wing Epic Play

So recently updated my large 1.0 collection to 2.0 and am now picking up a few old ships to make some epic wings..

my question is what are the 3 best wings for rebel, empire and scum...

Here is my collection. When I say 4 of 6 it means I have 4x 2.0 dials but 6 models. I’ll have to pick some up in secondary market or find a conversion kit at 40% off.

T65 X-Wing -4 of 6
Y-wing -4
A-wing -3 of 4
B-wing -3 of 5
E-wing -1
Z95 Headhunter -5
K-wing -1
Y1300 -1
Y2400 -1
Vcx100/ghost -1
Hwk290 -1
Attack shuttle -1
U-wing -1
Rebel transport
Tie/Ln - 6 of 13 (have 1.0 dials that work)
Tie interceptor -3 of 6
Tie adv x1 -2
Tie adv v1 -2
Tie defender -2
Tie phantom -2
Tie bomber -3
Tie punisher -1
Decimator -1
Shuttle -2
Tie striker -1
Tie reaper -1
Tie aggressor-1
Imperial Raider
Jumpmaster -1
Slave1 -2
Houndstooth -1
Misthunter -1
IG2000 -2
Ywing -4
Z95 -5
M3A Syck -4
Starviper -2
Hwk290 -1
Fang fighter -4
Quadjumper -2
Lando falcon -1
Miners tie-2
Here is what I think I need/want to pick up.
Alpha class starwing
Miners tie

Edited by Gungo

The best single wing for Empire is pretty clearly Tie Defenders. I'm in the Daredevil Vessery+2xJuke Onyx camp, but any way you build it, it's easilly worth half your list. (It also costs half your list). Runner up is generic Inquisitor+5 tie fighters, for raw dice spam on a maneuverable wingleader.

Best Wings for Scum are any Scyks led by Serissu. Kit them out any way you like, but Ion Cannon is universally good, while Heavy Laser Cannon is very effective anti-Huge ship tech. Second best would probably be a Wing of Khiraxz, kept as cheap as possible, probably led by Talonbane. I'm not convinced that a Wing of Stavipers is terribly good - although outside of a Wing they excel at disrupting opposing Wings! Fangs want to preserve their maneuverability as well - their ability to get to different places and then suddenly converge is too good - but a Wing of Zealots protecting Fenn Rau does sound okay? Probably your third best wing would be...Y-Wings? Led by a heavily kitted-out Kavil. Maybe I need to pick up more Y-Wings now? But seriously, a Wing of Scyks is **** good.

I've had a little experience with Rebels, and it seems like X-Wings are simply the best thing going for the faction. They've got the tools to make a Wing just evil: get Wedge as the Wing Leader, put a couple Red Vets with Selfless, drop in Biggs, and then give someone in the Wing Dreadnought Hunter, and you've got some tools. Again, as I don't have enough Y-Wings for a Wing, I've not tested them, but they should have utility. I'm not sure that B-Wings would benefit from Wing usage, for much the same reasoning as 'Vipers - they really excel at getting into odd spots, knife fighting. Perhaps E-Wing Wings would be solid, but again I do not own enough to have tested that.

I have faced Wings of TIE Fighters, and they are just as good as you would expect. A Wing of Interceptors can be very good. I've not faced a Wing of Bombers yet, but they have synergies that Wing mechanics could make just plain brutal. The Agent of the Empire Wing Leader card opens up some of the most ridiculous possibilities, of course.

My testing so far indicates that CIS does not benefit AT ALL from the use of Wings - it hampers the extreme flexibility of their dials and formations. I know the OP does not have and did ask about CIS, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents for the sake of other readers.

Also, @Gungo , concerning dials missing from kits, remember that you only need a dial for the lead ship in a Wing until the formation is broken. In running four-ship Wings so far, I have yet to need more than two dials. So, you know. Go nuts.

So it sounds like defender and miner tie are all good pick ups. And star wing if it ever comes back.

when you guys talk about wings I’m assuming you mean 3 ships only unless specified like inquisitor plus 5 ties. I can do 3 wings 5 is mostly tough outside rebel X/B and ties and interceptors,

Edited by Gungo

First of all, I am also an “only original three faction” player as well!! Second, I proxy the third ship in a wing by using the classic chassis of the faction, TIE ln, XWing, or Z. If you do this you can fly what you want and figure out what you want to buy. To me, the proxies fit in well, and die soon enough.

I really like Duchess leading TIE strikers. Very flexible ability let's those strikers get into the best position at i5. Afterburners is an added bonus.

I need to put TIE defenders on the table.

Inferno Squadron is REALLY strong in a wing because you can keep Howlrunner extra safe. I love it.


I think Rebel Y-wings with Proton Bombs have potential because they're beefy enough that your opponent will have to dedicate some effort to focus them down before they drop their bombs to nuke an enemy wing. That's probably a good way to protect your huge ship from enemy wings, incidentally. Haven't tried it yet, though.

Jonus barrage bombers seem pretty good too. Given you are unlikely to have Jonus just bursted down, you keep the rerolls and high accuracy red dice online for longer.

Vader 5 ties is also pretty solid.

Defenders seem like a gross idea...I love it!

It's really looking like "Galactic Empire wings work well." How thematic.

A wing of rebel Z-95s can be an effective anti-wing tool. My preferred build is airen cracken as wing leader, then 3/4 bandit squadron pilots. Give the front row cluster missiles, and the one in the back should have concussion missiles. This build is only ~100 points, so you can slot them in to most fleets. They are excellent for screening your huge ships against enemy wings, especially those who are susceptible to crits (torrents, TIES, kiraxes, TIE bombers, etc.)

You can fire off six three-dice shots at the wing, and then launch a concussion shot to flip cards on the whole wing. Cracken can also help you with a double-modded concussion shot if you need it (pro tip, don't shoot the wing leader with the concussion, shoot the guy behind him. You're more likely to hit, and flip the cards)

I brought this wing to a game of team epic, and they managed to cripple a howlrunner TIE wing, flipping cards on 4 separate ships and killing another. This left them to be torn up the the CR-90 later.


- Wedge and two Red Squadrons.


- Inferno Squadron


- Poe and two Black Squadrons

First Order:

- Quickdraw and two Zeta Aces

B-Wing wings led by Gina "do red maneuvres all day" are awesome.

On 3/1/2020 at 3:38 PM, Stefan said:


- Wedge and two Red Squadrons.

Selfless provides some interesting choices for spreading damage.

On 3/1/2020 at 3:38 PM, Stefan said:

First Order:

- Quickdraw and two Zeta Aces

Fanatical seems pretty good here for all 3 of them.

An alternative to that FO wing is Quickdraw, Phasma, any other SF. Quickdraw's ability will be almost guaranteed to see use in that setup.

Is there actually many bad wings? I mean, all of them seem to be really good. I can think of a Wing of Space Tugs being bad as an extreme example, but I think just about any ship does well in a Wing.

Part of what you want to think about is what type of game are you playing? Are you doing just 500 pt brawl? Or playing an objective? Do you have something else you really want to play in your list? If you use a Wing of Tie Defenders, you will seriously not have much else in your list. That might not work out well....or it might work out great. It all depends.

I think that Vulture Droids are fine in a Wing. You can't do the 1 hard turn, but the 2 hard turns are fine. I don't know why you would say that they don't do well. It means everyone will have a Calculate token.

A Wing to me normally makes me think of 6 ships, unless it's something expensive, like Y-wings. I look at them as 3 ship Wings. Not sure on X-wings, but definitely not 6.

2 hours ago, heychadwick said:

I think that Vulture Droids are fine in a Wing. You can't do the 1 hard turn, but the 2 hard turns are fine.

What's wrong with the 1-turn maneuver? It fits, right?

1 minute ago, Parakitor said:

What's wrong with the 1-turn maneuver? It fits, right?

Not when I tried. Might matter which way you turn as you move them in a particular order.

On 3/4/2020 at 12:20 PM, heychadwick said:

Not when I tried. Might matter which way you turn as you move them in a particular order.

It should fit. If you turn left, the guy that moves next is basically already where he's supposed to be; he just rotates and shifts his position a little too align with the leader. Then the right flank wingmate moves into position no problem.

If you turn right, the left flank wingmate moves first into position with no problems, then the right flank wingmate basically rotates 90 degrees and aligns with the leader.