Some Snapshot questions

By Redblock, in X-Wing Rules Questions

I want to take a shot at Snapshot swarm, but I need to know all rules interactions before, so to not need googling it during game :D

1. If opponent has ability giving it token after maneuver (like defender or Naboo fighter) what happens first, snapshot attack or token? Or happens in initiative order?

2 Does snapshot activates pilot abilities trigered from attack (Wedge, Thane, Airen Cracken)?

3 If you Snapshot Rick Olay, and your ship hasn't moved yet how is Ricks ability work?

4 Does adding die to roll count as modifying? Like giving Snapshot to Talonbane and shooting at range 1?

5 Does bullseye abilities (like crackshot or all Kimogila abilities) work with snapshot?

Edited by Redblock

1. Snap Shot happens before all "fully executes a maneuver" abilities but when the target ship's ability just says "execute a maneuver" or "executes a maneuver" then it queued in player order.

2. Yes, as long as the ability does not modify the attack dice rolled (Thane spends a result, which is a modification so he cannot use Snap Shot for his ability).

3. No revealed dial to reference = Ric does not trigger from what I can tell.

4. Changing the number of dice rolled is not a dice modification so is not prevented by Snap Shot, though your example, Talonbane's + 1 at range 1, does not work since Snap Shot is range 2 only.

5. Yes as long as they do not modify the attack dice (so not Predator or Marksmanship) or require a bullseye arc attack (there are no bullseye arc attack only abilities currently though). The target has to be in range 2 and in the bullseye arc of the attacker to do so.

23 minutes ago, Redblock said:

I want to take a shot at Snapshot swarm, but I need to know all rules interactions before, so to not need googling it during game :D

1. If opponent has ability giving it token after maneuver (like defender or Naboo fighter) what happens first, snapshot attack or token? Or happens in initiative order?

2 Does snapshot activates pilot abilities trigered from attack (Wedge, Thane, Airen Cracken)?

3 If you Snapshot Rick Olay, and your ship hasn't moved yet how is Ricks ability work?

4 Does adding die to roll count as modifying? Like giving Snapshot to Talonbane and shooting at range 1?

5 Does bullseye abilities (like crackshot or all Kimogila abilities) work with snapshot?

1. It happens in player order. Whoever is the first player, does their ability first.

2. As long as it isn't restricted to a primary (or other specific weapon) attack, or isnt modifying the attack dice, then yes.

3. Ric OliƩ - I believe, if there is no dial to reference, then the ability cannot be used.

4. No, however Snapshot is restricted to Range 2, so Talonbane's ability would not affect it.

5. Yes. Those modify the defender's dice, not yours.

1. The player with First Player uses their abilities first.

2. Mostly, with the caveat that you can't modify your dice. Thane, for example, spends a die, and spending dice is modification. Wedge and Thane work, as would Pure Sabacc.

3. I'll have to check, but my first thought is that Ric doesn't get the bonus die. There might be something in the FAQ thread.

4. Adding dice doesn't count as modification (so Scourge Skutu or Pure Sabacc would work), but.... Snap Shot doesn't work at Range 1. Talonbane doesn't add a die, he increases the range bonus, and even if Snap Shot could be performed at Range 1, it's an "ordnance" attack and range 1 or range 3 modifiers won't be applied. (forgot the 2e update to his text)

5. They can, but again, with caveats. Marksmanship, for example, is dice modification. Crack Shot is Primary Weapon Only. Many work, however. Torani Kulda Kimogila is pretty potent.

Edited by theBitterFig

On 4. Talonbane gets extra die attacking at range 1 so are sure it doesn't work for him?

1 minute ago, Redblock said:

On 4. Talonbane gets extra die attacking at range 1 so are sure it doesn't work for him?

Considering you cannot use snapshot at range 1, yes.

5 minutes ago, theBitterFig said:

Talonbane doesn't add a die, he increases the range bonus

That's how he worked in 1E, but in 2E, he adds a die while attacking at range 1/defending at 3. In 2E, he actually isnt affecting the range bonus at all.


Edited by Lyianx
10 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

Snap Shot happens before all "fully executes a maneuver"

Afraid not. There is no timing difference between fully executing a maneuver, and executing a maneuver.

RR pg 33


Q: If a ship with the Fine-Tuned Controls ship ability (or another ability that triggers "after you execute/fully execute a maneuver") fully executes a maneuver in arc at range 2 of a ship equipped with Snap Shot, how is this resolved?

A: This is resolved one of several ways depending on which player is first player.


If the first player controls the ship with Fine-Tune Controls, that player resolves this ability before Snap Shot is resolved.

6 minutes ago, Lyianx said:

That's how he worked in 1E, but in 2E, he adds a die while attacking at range 1/defending at 3. In 2E, he actually isnt affecting the range bonus at all.



So question on Snaphot being range 2 only. If any part of enemy ship is at range 1 of me I can't use it?

9 minutes ago, Redblock said:

So question on Snaphot being range 2 only. If any part of enemy ship is at range 1 of me I can't use it?

As long as the Attack Range is range 2, you can use it. In basic terms, weapons only care about attack range, not 'closest point' range. So a ship can be at range 1, but if the closest point of the ship in the forward attack arc is range 2, then you can use it.

RR pg 5


During an attack, the attack range is determined by measuring range from the closest point of the attacker to the closest point of the defender that is in the attack arc.

So keep an eye on which one specific abilities are looking for. For instance, Tallonbane is looking specifically at attack ranges (and not 'closest point' ranges).

Here is a good example from the Core book.

Edited by Lyianx
22 minutes ago, Lyianx said:

Afraid not. There is no timing difference between fully executing a maneuver, and executing a maneuver.

RR pg 33

Okay, I'd misinterpreted it. Looking back over the RR fully executed = if you did not overlap a ship.