Warning! Wall of Written Words!
Hey everyone! I think and hope I have this in the right place, but through a combination of roleplay of an game I am in and a story I am writing, I've come up with a school. Without getting too much into the back ground of it, the basics are. A Shiba trained in the Kiato shrine keeper school. Father is a well respected Shiba Yojimbo. He has a twin brother who follows in his father's footsteps. His mother is married into the clan, formally of the Yogo family and secretly trained him in the Yogo Shikigami school. In an effort to blend his family together, and in hope to appease his father while mainting his own way, he crafted the following school. Here is what I have so far and I was wondering peoples thoughts on it?
So this would be a pheonix clan based school. Usually meant for those who want to protect their charge, no matter the means. Those who are too physically weak themselves, but wish to do nothing more then to help and protect others. Those who are shine keepers and have an oath against fighting themselves so they elect to have a 'guardian kami' for their shrine or similar for a person who wants a guardian for a small village, etc.
I would love some feed back, if anyone has any input. If you guys like it, feel free to use it. Let me know! I would love to hear how it is being used.
Draft 1.2
Protective Shikigami School [Monk, Artisan]
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Aesthetics +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, +1 Survival, + Theology
Honor: 30
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Kiho
Starting Techniques:
- Kata (choose one): Lord Shiba's Valor, Warrior's Resolve
- Kiho (choose one): Earthen Fist, Body is an Anvil
- Ritual: Craft Shikigame
Sacred Kami (School Ability): Choose an Artisan Skill. This is your skill for the ritual, Craft Shikigami. While crafting a shikigami, you no longer lock invocations into the shikigami. Instead you lock kiho. Follow the TN difficulty as normal. Follow the Ring rules for the Shikigami as normal, based off your kiho's rank.
During a Downtime activity you may perform a Craft Shikigami roll, TN 2. Spend opportunity in the following ways.
- Your Shikigami gains one skill rank per two opportunity spent this way. Not to exceed your ranks in the skill.
- You teach your Shikigami one kata with opportunity equal to the rank of the kata. Not to exceed the number of kiho locked in the shikigami.
School Ranks:
Rank 1
- Artisan Skills
- Courtesy
- Fitness
- Meditation
- Rank 1 Air Kiho
- Striking as Air
- Tactical Assessment
Rank 2
- Martial Skills
- Medicine
- Theology
- Labor
- Rank 1-2 Water Kiho
- Striking as Water
- Flowing Water Strike
Rank 3
- Scholar Skills
- Composition
- Courtesy
- Survival
- Rank 1-3 Fire Kiho
- Striking as Fire
- Silencing Stroke
Rank 4
- Artisan Skills
- Fitness
- Martial Ranged
- Theology
- Rank 1-4 Earth Kiho
- Striking as Earth
- Soul Sunder
Rank 5
- Martial Skills
- Command
- Sentiment
- Skulduggery
- Rank 1-5 Kata
- Striking as Void
- Way of the Edgeless Sword
Bonded Shikigami (School Mastery): Your shikigami may now do the following.
- During a Downtime activity you may swap kiho with your shikigami. This requires a Craft Shikigami check equal to the original check. Opportunities must be spent equal to 1+ the difference of the Kiho being swapped. You can only swap 1 Kiho per downtime activity (GM descretion)
- The shikigami gains a number of forms equal to its highest ring. These forms cannot be changed after they have been determined without a Craft Shikigami check TN equal to the shikigami's highest ring. The forms cannot exceed silhoutte equal to your Air + Water/2. They cannot replicate the form of an existing person besides their creator. Even then there is enough different that the duplicate can be noticed with a Sentiment check TN 4 (Water 3, Fire 5) to tell the difference.
- You can communicate with your shikigami at any distance. With a TN 2 Theology (Void) check you may see through its senses. With a TN 5 Theology Void check you may act through your shikigami as if it was you. You take 1 fatigue and 2 strife for each round you maintain this.
Modified Abilities and Stats