Suggestions for Resistance "Cover the Evacuation?"

By Jayne Starlancer, in X-Wing Epic Play

Suggestions for my current draft? I have 250 points to work with and want to include a wing of T-70s and one other ship. This list would be part of the defending team.

March of the Resistance

(51) Kare Kun [T-70 X-wing]
(2) Veteran Wing Leader
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 58

(44) Red Squadron Expert [T-70 X-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 49

(44) Red Squadron Expert [T-70 X-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 49

(70) Rey [Scavenged YT-1300]
(2) Rey's Millennium Falcon
Points: 72

Total points: 228

Edited by Jayne Starlancer
forgot to mention team

Looks good. Rey is really mean with Korr Sells and Rose Tico crew. That would be my suggestion for the remaining points.

I love Karen Kun as a wing leader. I've only tried it once and ended up getting boxed in by a huge ship and a wing of vultures, but that was a scenario with lots of ships on the mat (4- player Intel Pickup - I think there was 1000 points of ships on a 6'x3' mat). Kare will do great for you.