Rules question General Romodi

By Johnny Kuekuatsu, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


A few wees ago we had our first game with general romodi in our gaming groug, and had a bit of an argument about him.

So now i'm looking for a rules clarifikation. Thanks in advance 😉

The card text says: "while a friendly ship 4is attacking a ship, if the attack is obstructed by a ship or obstacle, the attacker does not remove a die (even if the attack is also obstructed by a card effect), and may add 1 red die to the attack pool."

It's quite obvious that if the attack is obstructed by a ship or an obstacle general romodi prevents his players ships from removing a die due to obstruction and instead allows the player to add 1 red die.

It's clear to us, too, that general romodi works when the target is obstructed by an obstacle/ship AND a card effect (e.g. cracken or early warning system)

But how does general romodi affect an attack that is ONLY obstructed by a card effeckt (e.g. cracken or early warning system)? Is this attack treated as like the previous examples and there is 1 red die added to the attack pool instead of removing a die, or is the attack treated as obstructed as if general romodi wasn't involved?

Thanks for your replies




is there nobody who can answer me my question?

thanks in advance



If the attack is not obstructed by a physical thing (a ship or obstacle), Romodi has no effect.

It’s a very open-and-shut case. If there’s an obstacle or a ship obstructing the attack, Romodi’s text applies, and EWS or Cracken-type effects do not. If there is no obstacle or ship in the way, then Romodi does nothing, and EWS, Cracken, and similar effects (if present) work as written.

thanks a lot for your clarifations 😉

5 hours ago, Johnny Kuekuatsu said:

thanks a lot for your clarifations 😉

Oh, there is one weirdo case that comes up sometimes, and should be pointed out: Salvo & Romodi.

If your opponent fires a long range shot at say, your Onager Testbed, and it’s obstructed by an obstacle, and you have Romodi, and choose to Salvo, your Salvo shot is obviously obstructed as well. In this case, Romodi allows you to not remove a die (because of Romodi’s text), but you do not ALSO gain an extra red from Romodi, because you cannot add dice to a Salvo attack (part of the Salvo rules). So your two red long range Salvo dice remain two reds.