Where have all the pilots gone?

By Garik NVar, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I started playing when the New Order boxset was released. I played casually and then slowly drifted away for 40,000 different reasons. Then I heard of 2nd edition. There was even an app that would help play the game.

I was thinking of stepping back in, as I have recently gotten into Star Wars Legion. I logged in and looked for the app. .. it was gone.

Is X-Wing dying??

It seems that most of the boards I have seen are stalled and most stores aren't carrying the models.

Just wondering.... from somebody that has a sizable Imperial force.

Nope. But the official app died. FFG is currently creating a replacement. The app never functioned as advertised anyway.

Use YASB 2.0 or Launch Bay Next.

Well, there was about 500 pilots or so at the UK Open last week. Not a record, but certainly not bad.

Not sure what you mean by "boards stalled" - every board on this forum has many posts within the last 24 hours, except for the squad builder board, for obvious reasons.

Not sure what the "New Order boxset" is? As for stores not stocking the game, are you talking locally or online? Because there have been a lot of releases for 2nd edition over the last year, some popular items may be low or out of stock but for the most part it seems easy enough o get hold of expansions to me.

TL;DR, game has a healthy, thriving community, and I'm sure we can point you in the right direction if you're trying to find a player group.

Wait... "40,000" reasons? Gadge, is that you again?! 😂

In my area, there was a drop in player base with/after 2nd edition. player groups consolidated, and now growth is happening again. Seems healthy.