We had such situation in our game:
Party consists of 3 PC one of whom is a Dragon Mirumoto Two-Heavens School bushi from Agasha family, who decided to change his life right after genpuku (15 years old) and became Monastic Acolyte – shaved his head, abandoned status and preaches Tao wisdom, plans to be a Taoist monk. Character is on a musha shugyo (so isn’t connected to the clan and has no mons). He also has Fukurokujin's Blessing which he interprets as premonition of “direction to the nearest library or source of knowledge”.
Party comes to a rather secluded dojo (where “secret techniques” are taught) on the top of the mountain. They are greeted by it’s Seppun sensei and given hospitality. One of the PCs asks for an opportunity to show off his skills and potentially become a dojo student. Sparring is arranged and so everyone in the dojo (sensei, 4 his students and party of PCs) are distracted by watching the friendly sparring between best student and PC.
Meanwhile aforementioned monk acolyte asks GM if there is a source of knowledge nearby, insists that he feels it even without knowing because of Fukurokujin's Blessing and receives an answer that there may be one in the living quarters of sensei and students in nearby building.
Then asks one of the students “Where is your library?”, student is a little bit shocked as there is only 3 houses on the top of the mountain and no library, but knows that only scrolls they have are periodically given to them by sensei (secret technique ones so as religious and mundane texts) and they are asked to keep this in secret. So NPC answers politely that they don’t have a library. After such an answer PC monk acolyte secretly comes out of training hall building, while everyone are distracted, goes directly to building with living quarters, opens the door, closes it behind so he couldn’t be seen, “searches for library or books”, consults with his precognition and enters the sensei’s room (door was closed, but not locked) finds a chest with intricate lock with jade ornament. Then PC goes away closing the doors behind and returns to the party and sensei when sparring is over.
He starts a conversation with sensei in which he directly asks “What is in the chest in your room?”, the one he apparently to sensei couldn’t know about if he hasn’t been in his room. Sensei is disturbed buy rudeness of his guest and break of rules of hospitality (courtesy), but politely avoids answering the question. Monk acolyte publically starts talking daringly to person of apparently far greater status and even insults a dojo comparing it to the inn and so on, provoking sensei for a fight. Sensei even tells him what he wanted – that there is his personal stuff and memories from the past in the chest – non of the business of the young boy whom he doesn’t know as he has no mons on him (PC monk acolyte). He doesn’t compromise, but agrees to give him a free lesson in the morning as it is getting dark today.
After the game I as a GM asked player and had a clear answer that he intentionally provoked sensei (even gave an example from fluff story of such behavior), and that his character doesn’t feel guilty for secretly visiting private room of sensei without permission. Also he motivates such behavior by that there is a taint on the mountain (it actually is, but dojo inhabitants know nothing about it) and his Fukurokujin's Blessing have guided him to the source of knowledge that after being researched will give a hint on what is wrong with kami of the mountain (mentions this only after doing all this, during game asked exactly for library/books).
My question is for what in mentioned situations he should forfeit honor and how much?
Could he leave without any consequences?
(I would appreciate any answers and could give details if needed)
I am a good natured GM and almost always compromise on player’s point of view if party agrees and has fun, even when I think that it is wrong. In this case the whole party is shocked with actions of monk player so we argue a little bit.
In this situation I’ve asked player to only forfeit Attribute Rank of honor because of Breach of Rei (Courtesy, rule of hospitality – secretly breaking in the private room of higher ranking person without permission).
I even didn’t asked to forfeit honor for insulting dojo – work of life of the old sensei in front of him (clearly higher status person).
But player disagrees even with such penalty.
What do you think.
P.S.: Sorry for bad English – it is not my native language.
Edited by Zander Giformatting