... I mean cockpit. I'm looking for extra beasties. i've got Allies and Adversaries and I've just downloaded some AMAZING stuff/pdfs made by you guys on these forums (but not actually rad through them yet).
I'm looking for the stats for the Ice Cave Beasties from Rebels Season 2. I reskinned two things from the A&A sourcebook or other books... or shall I just rejig a Krayt Dragon?
In fact any extra beasties would be great due to party ChaSpec choices and ObliMats...
I've already written the homebrew sandbox bit.. important NPCs, sites, knocked up some Modular Encounters I could throw in and Obligation side quests if they come up on the roll at the start of each session.
I haven't played or GMed SW Edge for ages but kept buying the books - the current lay off news was what prompted to start rereading LoNH and SoF tbh.
Edited by DidntFallAsleep66In case my players see it :)