Targeting Battery Locks Et Al

By Darth Meanie, in X-Wing Epic Play

If I take Lock as my Action, then fire my Battery, do I lose the second lock from the battery because I already have one?

If I do spend my Action lock, can I get another Battery Lock, or is that prohibited by "only one action of the same type each round?

Similarly, if I have 2 teams that give a linked Calculate, can I get 2 Calculates per round?

Lastly, I can find the rules about measuring distances for Huges. We were in a L shaped confrontation last night--the fronts were too close for Turbolasers, but if we measure rear to rear, range was OK. How does that work?

P.S. This was from practicing for Team Epic last night. Huges are super fun!!!

P.P.S. I pounded by bro's corvette to dust with my corvette. :D But his B-Wings worked out fine.

Edited by Darth Meanie
1 minute ago, Darth Meanie said:

If I take Lock as my Action, then fire my Battery, do I lose the second lock from the battery because I already have one?

If I do spend my Action lock, can I get another Battery Lock, or is that prohibited by "only one action of the same type each round?

Similarly, if I have 2 teams that give a linked Calculate, can I get 2 Calculates per round?

Lastly, I can find the rules about measuring distances for Huges. We were in a L shaped confrontation last night--the fronts were too close for Turbolasers, but if we measure rear to rear, range was OK. How does that work?

1. Yes, unless you have sensor experts

2. Yes, wording is “acquire a lock” not take a target lock action

3. No, that’s a calculate action so no two actions the same rule applies

4. Measurement is closest to closest. If the Turbolaser is on the rear you measure the closest point from the rear section.

3 hours ago, Sasajak said:

4. Measurement is closest to closest. If the Turbolaser is on the rear you measure the closest point from the rear section.

But aren't the turrets "in the middle" for the CR-90? The dials are on the front and rear pegs are only because that's physically the post they spin around. . .

37 minutes ago, Darth Meanie said:

But aren't the turrets "in the middle" for the CR-90? The dials are on the front and rear pegs are only because that's physically the post they spin around. . .

„The attack range is determined by measuring range from the closest point of the attacker to the closest point of the defender that is in the attack arc .“

Therefore you take the arc the Tuebolaser Battery is pointing to and measure distance from attacker to the defender in that arc.

Exactly. If the turbolaser is in the aft, but points forward, the forward arc is determining range.

Just to add another lock question:

Col Jendon carrying Tarkin works, right? You just have to split it into two turns, and it costs you both charges on Jendon? (Turn 1: spend first charge, take a lock with Jendon at range infinity. Turn 2: spend second charge, activate Tarkin, let everyone take a lock at range infinity)

Also, is that worth it? The Lambda can stay close to the huge ship and keep coordinating, which is apparently a good idea.

To equip Tarkin the Lambda needs either Krennic or a Targeting Computer. I think the worth depends on the rest of the squad. If everyone requires locks and the enemy uses aces it might be worth it. In a 500 pt battle against the enemy huge ship even more so.

I'm not a big fan of Tarkin. In two games, I could never make good use of the locks.

On 2/18/2020 at 5:04 PM, Stefan said:

I'm not a big fan of Tarkin. In two games, I could never make good use of the locks.

I've wanted to use Tarkin since he was spoilt pre the move to 2nd Ed, and I still can't justify it. The fact it's still range linked limits his usage far too much for me considering the set up.