Super Rebels Show Theme 600pts list

By ForceSensitive, in X-Wing Epic Play

Had made this for a game, scheduled literally 2 hours from now, as a ultra high theme Rebels Show list for the All Wings Report In scenario, as the defender against fleet against a full four attackers. I put in two wings of three A's so I could have Yellow and Blue markers to identify 'Green Squad'. Get it? Yellow and Blue make Green? Lol.

One of the guys had to cancel 🥺 , so... Enjoy. I won't get to for a long time 😫 Back to the drawing board.

Three wings:

Biggs, Wedge, Red (Red)

A's 1-3 (blue)

A's 4-6 (yellow)


Hera's Heroes (600/200)
GR-75: Echo Base Evacuees (55 + 36)
+ Ion Cannon Turret (5)
+ Targeting Battery (6)
+ Toryn Farr (4)
+ C-3PO (8)
+ Comms Team (8)
+ Bright Hope (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
VCX-100: Hera Syndulla (72 + 33)
+ Predator (2)
+ Ion Cannon Turret (5)
+ Ezra Bridger (14)
+ Maul (12)
+ Ghost (0)
Sheathipede: AP-5 (32)
+ Phantom (0)
T-65 X-wing: Wedge Antilles (55 + 2)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Biggs Darklighter (48)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Red Squadron Veteran (41)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)

Edited by ForceSensitive

How about maximizing the Rebels chars in your ships and crew?

Thought about it. Trouble was coming up with a cohesive strategy for the fleet that utilized all those different effects. Many of them, like Sabine, are good for an overall build goal, but then I lose some of the focus when I try to do a bunch of different things at once.

Also narratively, there was this idea in my head that the 'scene' I wanted the fleet to create was Hera being somewhat nervous that Ezra was her only crew mate and in the turret while Maul had been on board for some plot 'X' reason to continue tempting Ezra to the Dark side. Outside of some nameless A-wings to die as cover, the fledgeling team of Biggs and Wedge was my Objective core. The goal is to get the T-65s away after assigning 4 of the 7 points to them as a squad. So the fewer characters mechanically let me accomplish the mission, while also giving the group a lot of character moments that fit in the story since there were only a few in the 'game scene'.

As it turned out, we played anyway, and a fourth happened to show up. So since I had already have the list down 50pts, and didn't bring the transport, I had to load it up with stuff anyway, and so played this with Wedge and his squad being a bigger threat to match their value:

Hera's Heroes B (600/200)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
VCX-100: Hera Syndulla (72 + 33)
+ Predator (2)
+ Ion Cannon Turret (5)
+ Ezra Bridger (14)
+ Maul (12)
+ Ghost (0)
Sheathipede: AP-5 (32)
+ Phantom (0)
T-65 X-wing: Wedge Antilles (55 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Swarm Tactics (5)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Biggs Darklighter (48 + 13)
+ Proton Torpedoes (13)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Red Squadron Veteran (41 + 16)
+ Swarm Tactics (3)
+ Proton Torpedoes (13)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Red Squadron Veteran (41 + 16)
+ Swarm Tactics (3)
+ Proton Torpedoes (13)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)

And it won! So yay. The A's died a lot, and the heroes escaped. I think in the end only Six fighters were shot down between all of us, only one leader (an A) fun weird big little game