Had made this for a game, scheduled literally 2 hours from now, as a ultra high theme Rebels Show list for the All Wings Report In scenario, as the defender against fleet against a full four attackers. I put in two wings of three A's so I could have Yellow and Blue markers to identify 'Green Squad'. Get it? Yellow and Blue make Green? Lol.
One of the guys had to cancel 🥺 , so... Enjoy. I won't get to for a long time 😫 Back to the drawing board.
Three wings:
Biggs, Wedge, Red (Red)
A's 1-3 (blue)
A's 4-6 (yellow)
Hera's Heroes (600/200)
GR-75: Echo Base Evacuees (55 + 36)
+ Ion Cannon Turret (5)
+ Targeting Battery (6)
+ Toryn Farr (4)
+ C-3PO (8)
+ Comms Team (8)
+ Bright Hope (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 7)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
A-wing: Green Squadron Pilot (32 + 5)
+ Cluster Missiles (5)
VCX-100: Hera Syndulla (72 + 33)
+ Predator (2)
+ Ion Cannon Turret (5)
+ Ezra Bridger (14)
+ Maul (12)
+ Ghost (0)
Sheathipede: AP-5 (32)
+ Phantom (0)
T-65 X-wing: Wedge Antilles (55 + 2)
+ Veteran Wing Leader (2)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Biggs Darklighter (48)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)
T-65 X-wing: Red Squadron Veteran (41)
+ Servomotor S-foils (0)