I recently proposed the idea of a jedi:ronin spec, got largely positive feedback and we spent I think 5 pages of posts debating/revising it until we got to something that I hope is fairly professional in quality and that people will consider using. That iteration can be found in this post..
In that thread I also mentioned the possibility of a jedi librarian as a 6th spec (which got a few likes) and was hoping to go through the same process of debating/revising it...
So... here is a first draft of a jedi:Librarian (please provide feedback)
career skills: computers, knowledge(education), knowledge(lore), medicine
(Medicine is up for debate)
*No* FR prerequisite
Researcher. Well Read. Grit. Secret lore
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Respected scholar --- Fact check. As the force will it --- Secrets of the jedi
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Researcher --- If it's not in the library --- Secret Lore. Transmogrify
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Mental Fortress. --- Stroke of Genius. --- Knowledge is power--- Forbidden knowledge
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Dedication --- anatomy lessons. Force Rating ‐-- Secrets of the jedi (improved)
Fact check: can oppose decision checks made against the character with knowledge lore instead of discipline, a different knowledge skill can be used at the discretion of the game master on a case by case basis.
If it's not in the library: flip a destiny point to remove despair from a knowledge check.
Forbidden knowledge: (conflict force talent) once per session the character may use darkside force pips without flipping a destiny point or taking strain. They still take conflict for spending darkside pips as normal.
Might want to work in another rank of respected scholar but don't know where I could put it
Edited by EliasWindrider