Lothiriel is a curious hero, she can make a matching ally quest for free -- but then you lose the ally back into your deck at the end of the quest phase. Free is good, but the cost of a card out of hand makes it tougher (unlike her Tactics Dad, reaching into the deck for his not-free ally). So what to do?
With Gondor, every matching ally is worth at least 1 wp if Visionary Leadership is active. As an alternative to going in the deck, you can discard the lampwright if a surge card comes out, or discard SpAnborn to lower your threat. Then Knight of Belafas can them back for you later. (There are other self-discarders, but they can't really discard during the quest phase). Gondor has a fair amount of useful enter-plays effects and also a leaves play, but none replace themselves with card draw. And sadly a number of Gondor cards have useful effects only when played from hand, which Lothriel doesn't do. If Hunters of Lamedon's effect was just enters play, she'd be an asset in an Outlands deck.
She does make a useful choice for a Caldara deck -- send Imrahil questing, discard Caldara, bam -- he becomes a hero, stays in play, and you get an extra blue ally from the discard.
Paired with Eomer she expands to Rohan -- this is excellent for Escort for Edoras, which drops to 0-cost. It doesn't go back in your deck, but if you have Gamling or Guthwine around, you can get Escort back in your hand and then do it again the next turn. Rohan has a lot of self-discarders, but not many who can discard while exhausted, in the quest phase. The upcoming Rohirrim Scout is perfect for recur-to-discard by preventing an enemy from making an engagement check, Westfold Outrider could be discarded to pull an enemy out of staging before the quest resolves, and Westfold Horse-Breaker can be discarded to ready a hero. Special props to Eomund -- he doesn't discard, but he does ready all the Rohirrim wihen he leaves play at the end of the round.
But how can we create additional card draw? There's a way in a Dale deck, but it takes a bit of setup. Brand/Bard need a partner, and a spirit hero like Lothiriel is a good choice to get King of Dale out quick. After that, Dale can generate card draw with free attachments, but you can't get extra card draw by moving attachments around. But Lothiriel creates temporary allies, and Bard gets attachments on temporary allies back to hand -- where they can be played for card draw the next turn. What we want is the free-to-play Spare-Hood-and-Cloak along with the Lookout (though in a pinch you can do the same thing with Long Lake Trader). Lookout quests without exhausting with SH&C attached, then after the quest resolves he exhausts to give it to Lothriel's ally, it goes back in deck, SH&C goes on the Lookout the next turn to get additional card draw.
This works nicely for allies who exhaust to do something useful in the quest phase. if you don't mind losing the willpower boost on Lookout, you can ready Faramir and let him give everyone a willpower boost. or let Anborn damage the next enemy to come out. You could also transfer past-resolution to enable Warden of Healing to do some healing before he leaves. I put this deck together to test the concept, but haven't tried yet:
But what we really want is for the ally to go back in our hand so that we can play it again next turn, and that's where our old friends from play-Gandalf-Every-Turn come in, Elvenking and Elf-Friend. Lothriel in a Silvan deck, with Elf-Friend attached, is just what a Silvan deck needs. With Celeborn out every Silvan she sends gets at least 1 wp while questing, and if you don't have a useful event you just use Elvenking to get him or her back after quest resolution, readying Celeborn (or Thranduil, or Argalad, etc) in the process. All for free.... Let that latent elf-blood shine! Here's a Silvan deck with TaEomer and Celeborn, so she can power up hubby's attack while readying Celeborn, and throw in some Edoras/Guthwine action for another repeatable combo.
Sadly, Keen-Eyed Took is the only ally who can return himself to hand during the questing phase, and with only the Hobbit trait there's no way to get a match -- though even if there were a Honorary Hobbit card, playiing Keen-Eyed Took for free every turn isn't quite so special. If Born[e] Aloft were an item you could do hijinks with Long Lake Trader, but it's not. You'd have to recur Reforged to pull that trick off.
Edited by dalestephenson