Krennic and THA BOIS

By colincapwn, in Army Building

Competitive List. Goal is to suppress/eliminate enemy trooper units, while keeping them at long range. original, right?


Director Orson Krennic: (90) + Aggressive Tactics (10) - Total: 100

Shoretroopers (52) + T-21B Trooper (32) x3 - Total: 252

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) + Comms Relay (5) x2 - Total: 82

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) - Total: 36

Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D Trooper (34) + Duck and Cover (4) + E-11D Config (8) - Total 122

Strike Team (20) + DLT-19x (28) x3 - Total: 144

E-Web Team (55) + Barrage Generator (7) - Total: 62

Total: 798

This list will include all of Krennic's command Cards, as well as covert ops, Push, and Coordinated fire, as my command cards.

Looking for recommendations. What sort of battle cards should I really be looking for?

Any units I should swap/change out?

Only thing I'd change is get rid of the E-Web. It is helpful at suppressing, but it seems to do this job very poorly. Problem is I don't know what to get to replace it...If you get rid of a strike team and the E-Web you should have enough points to get Veers with Electro binoculars. Don't need any of Veers' command cards except Maximum Firepower. With the Shoretroopers Target 1 ability AND aim tokens on all of them from Veers, your opponent doesn't stand a chance. Speaking from experience here as I was on the receiving end of this volley of aim tokens one game and it cut through my entire army like butter. Two aims on shore troopers gives them to option to dodge as their second action making them nearly impossible to defeat, or they can aim AGAIN and have 3 aim tokens. Very scary and very powerful would definitely recommend Veers in every shoretrooper army.

As far as battle cards go avoid Breakthrough, Limited Visibility, and Long March. Those all suck for Snipers and Mortars and you have a lot of both of those

Oh and forgot to mention that you absolutely need Comm Relay on your Mortars and Death Troopers. This is what makes them so broken. Issue an order to a Death troopers with Entourage and they give it to Shoretroopers who generate one for the mortars. Mortar gives their token to shoretroopers and this goes on until you've issued 4 orders with the Entourage keyword alone. Doesn't even include the orders you issue with your command card.

18 hours ago, colincapwn said:

Director Orson Krennic: (90) + Aggressive Tactics (10) - Total: 100

Shoretroopers (52) + T-21B Trooper (32) x3 - Total: 252

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) + Comms Relay (5) x2 - Total: 82

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) - Total: 36

Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D Trooper (34) + Duck and Cover (4) + E-11D Config (8) - Total 122

Strike Team (20) + DLT-19x (28) x3 - Total: 144

E-Web Team (55) + Barrage Generator (7) - Total: 62

Total: 798

This list will include all of Krennic's command Cards, as well as covert ops, Push, and Coordinated fire, as my command cards.

Starting with individual units and working my way to command cards and objective play including bid.

Krennic is fine, keep him as cheap as possible.

Shoretroopers - Again, keep them cheap and super effective. In my testing, I do not like running 3 of them and instead opt to stick with only two.

Mortars- run 2 and run both with Relay

Deathtroopers - Switch DnC for Hunter or Offensive Push, you should always put them in heavy cover and if you do not, have them out of LOS. DnC is kinda wasteful of that slot. Everything else is fine, but I would add Comms Relay for those 1 pip turns.

Sniper Strike Team - 3x snipers is gud. I like them naked, so I think you are fine there.

Eweb is normally not the BEST option. The reason for this is because you are adding another order token to your pool so it is more inconsistent and the cumbersome weapon is still quite bad especially with only 4 hp. If you were to run one, I like barrage and nothing else on it, so it is a good eweb build.

Now, what to put in after dropping an E. web, Mortar and Shoretrooper squad while putting some more on those DTs. I prefer Boba or a Tank, but other units like Veers, stormtroopers and medics or some speeder bikes. If you decide to run 3x shoretroopers then run a mortar as well and run relay. If you do, I would convert the E web into medics.

The last thing left is command cards. If you run boba, you can run his 3 pip and 1 pip, but if you run anything else you should run ambush and push over the other generic cards. This is for maximum order control and fewest restrictions. Covert Ops doesn't do much especially if you critically think about the opponent and the list they are running. For a leia list for instance, you have CB, NTFS and Somebody and likely the other 3 cards will follow a basic outline

Operative/2nd commander: all 3 cards/ maybe Covering Fire

R2D2: likely 1 pip and 3 pip

Tauntauns/ ATRTs: Turning the Tide

Just Leia: Ambush, Push , Covering Fire

so getting a free 2 card read from your opponent's hand isn't likely to be helpful information. You then have to account for having the restriction of Operative/Special Forces only instead of a Corps, which you want so you can relay chain.

Here is a list based on yours:,2hgfuez000,1hgfu0000,3ftdp,1bdgmdgdpdagn0,3bbem0000

Possible Variations on the same list: Overwatch on Shoretroopers/Hunter on Shoretroopers, remove Recon Intel on DT for bid, Add Recon Intel to shoretroopers, Remove SO for bid, Remove medic for a Comms Tech + HQ uplink.

I think this is about as efficent as a list can be for imperials, the problem is that you do not have a unit that just goes out and makes plays. Tanks and Bounty hunters make plays, so I would bring one of them along personally. Good Luck!

Edited by Cleto0