Competitive List. Goal is to suppress/eliminate enemy trooper units, while keeping them at long range. original, right?
Director Orson Krennic: (90) + Aggressive Tactics (10) - Total: 100
Shoretroopers (52) + T-21B Trooper (32) x3 - Total: 252
DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) + Comms Relay (5) x2 - Total: 82
DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36) - Total: 36
Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D Trooper (34) + Duck and Cover (4) + E-11D Config (8) - Total 122
Strike Team (20) + DLT-19x (28) x3 - Total: 144
E-Web Team (55) + Barrage Generator (7) - Total: 62
Total: 798
This list will include all of Krennic's command Cards, as well as covert ops, Push, and Coordinated fire, as my command cards.
Looking for recommendations. What sort of battle cards should I really be looking for?
Any units I should swap/change out?